Health Fitness

York T201 Treadmill Review

The York T201 treadmill was designed to be more durable and useful for a variety of users, whether they are new to treadmills or experts. The motor is a 1.5 continuous HP and 3.0 peak HP, which is what allows for the maximum 10-percent incline and how it can go up to 10 miles per hour when at full speed setting. This treadmill is also capable of accommodating any user who weighs 300 pounds or less, so don’t think about trying to quit exercising with the same old excuse.

There are 9 workout programs that are pre-installed and are meant to keep you and your body fully engaged in exercise. Of the 9 programs, there are workouts based on speed, incline, distance, and even heart rate. It also comes with a wireless chest strap and heart rate sensor that helps you exercise correctly during heart rate monitoring programs and screen reading.

This model includes an LCD screen that is made to be easy to read and use. You can view many workout stats like speed, time, incline, calories burned, and distance used to help you plan a proper workout session. Viewing your stats will also help fuel a longer session for better results.

The York T201 treadmill has many entertainment benefits, including mp3 connection and standard built-in speakers. The running area is specifically designed for comfort and safety due to the super cushioned design that reduces stress, impact and injury to the knees and other major joints.

When it comes to treadmills, the York T201 treadmill was designed as an anniversary edition of a previous model. This is another reason why the folding capability of this treadmill is present and many consumers enjoy that fact. Basically, folding treadmills are easier to store and use due to their wheels, which makes them the best.

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