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Manifestation Tip: Let The Theater Of Your Mind Maximize Your Law Of Attraction

How are you doing with the Law of Attraction? Are you getting everything you want? If your answer is no, and statistics show most people aren’t, keep reading and discover a revolutionary way to get what you want and manifest your reality fast.

You can start using what Dr. Maxwell Maltz called the theater of the mind to maximize the law of attraction for you.

You, me, we have all been gifted with an incredible gift called life. This gift is amazing and it’s a shame so many people don’t take full advantage of it. Either we don’t use it to its full potential, or worse, we allow others or external forces to influence our lives.


Imagine a life where you are free… free of stress, free of frustration, free of worry.

Is this possible given the times we all live in? Most people will say no, this can’t be.

Here is a tip: do not listen to these people because they are the ones who want to negatively influence your life and your dreams.

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. A life of compassion, a sense of purpose, a sense of involvement, and a desire to help others. The Law of Attraction is a simple principle to understand, like attracts like.

Live your life in the depths of negativity and skepticism you attract just that. Live your life with promises, fullness, in a feeling of abundance and prosperity and you will be surprised at the opportunities that you can and will attract.

Your next question now may be, “How do I achieve this kind of life?”

Through the power of visualization. This process is simple, easy, and can be maximized by creating your own theater of the mind.

Visualization is a technique that you can use to manifest whatever you want. However, the challenge is that the human mind can only focus on something for six seconds. This makes the display extremely difficult to hold and focus on.

Developing your own movie that plays allows you to design the life you always wanted.

Simple formula to create your movie

As long as you have a Windows computer, you can use it to harness the power of visualization. Basically, you can create your own movie using your computer and Windows Movie Maker (usually already installed on most home computers).

From here you can create a visual and verbal representation of your ideal life and begin to manifest your destiny.

You can choose any aspect of your life.

  • can
  • relationship
  • spirituality
  • health
  • emotional domain

You decide which images you choose to put in your film with visual and verbal messages. Once you have completed the setup process, you will have created your own viewing movie, which you will watch for a few minutes each day.

Visualization is an amazing technique to help you manifest the life of your dreams.

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