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36 tips to listen to the voice of God, the voice of love within you – Tip #2 – The evolution of truth

What is the evolution of truth? It sounds like a strange concept because Truth is eternal. It is immutable. It has no form. It is the essence of the pure being that we are and that God is. Truth is the Reality of God, so how can there be an evolution of Truth?

When we experience truth in the world, in many ways, it is an evolutionary experience. We are constantly deepening our experience of Truth, our experience of Unity, our experience of Love, understanding, compassion, and what is important are those “qualities.” Those are the qualities that the Voice of God within us teaches us. The Voice of God, whatever name you give to this Presence of Love and Peace within you, teaches us about love, compassion, understanding, acceptance and truth. God can only speak to us “where we are”, what we are capable of learning here and now. God could give the same truth to each and every one of us, and yet each of us is going to take in exactly what we are able to take in right now that makes sense to us, that feels real, accurate, and valid.

This is an important concept to listen to the Voice of God within you because it will help you stop comparing WHAT you listen to and HOW you listen to anyone else, because each of us needs to hear what we need to hear in order to wake up. If twenty people asked the exact same prayer request or God the exact same question, they would all hear something different. Each person has a different life experience, a different history, a different belief system, a different culture, a different background, and a different language. Our minds are very unique, and when God speaks to us, he speaks to us through our particular mind, life experience, history, belief system, and vocabulary.

If you are a five-year-old, you will hear something completely different when you ask God a question about a particular situation than if you were possibly an atheist, a Buddhist, a scientist, someone who lives in Mongolia, or someone who comes from a very wealthy family. Because we are so unique in these ways, God will speak to each of us exactly where we are. What do we need to hear here and now to deepen our experience of Truth, Love and Peace? God will say something different to each of us, and that is the power of hearing the Voice of God within you because you are not taking a concept of Truth that you read in a book or that someone else tells you and somehow discover. how to apply it. that Truth to your life. God will speak to you exactly where you are on a particular subject, right here, right now. That’s powerful! That helps each of us to deepen our understanding of the Truth in our own way and in our own time. It is not about taking an abstract concept and figuring out how to apply that concept or teaching to your life or somehow make it a reality. It becomes real here and now by listening to this Voice of Truth within you.

When we understand that there is no generic form in which the Voice of God is expressed, we can allow everyone to hear what they hear, even if it seems contradictory to what we hear. It is what that person needs to hear to wake up. You need to hear something different, and I need to hear something different. Sure, there will be something in common, and we may even hear exactly the same thing, but the point is that everyone hears what they need to hear at the moment. When we can give that to ourselves and make it okay, we can extend that to others and allow what they hear to be okay. What you hear doesn’t need to match what this teacher, author, or minister says is God’s truth.

I hope the messages we hear and share from the Voice of God are helpful to people, and yet you may hear something different. You’ll hear something unique to you, and that’s what’s important! It does not mean that someone is listening to the Voice of God and someone is not just because they hear different things. It is that each one heard the Voice of God within them, and each one heard what they needed to hear and how they needed to hear it.

When you give this to yourself, you will stop comparing what you hear to what someone else hears and you will be able to recognize the Holy Spirit speaking to people in all kinds of ways, all over the world, non-stop. And it won’t matter how it sounds. You will be able to see the Truth in him and understand that each person gets what he needs for his awakening and growth. This is what we call, “The Evolution of Truth”, hearing as much Truth as we can get right now, in exactly this form, on this subject, and that’s perfect. We could ask the same question tomorrow and get a different answer or the same answer. We could ask the same question next year or ten years from now and get the same answer or a different answer. No rules. This moment is this moment. That’s all. We will hear everything we need to hear in whatever form we need to wake up.

During the next few days, as you practice this concept, ask the Voice of God, the Voice for Peace and Love within you for guidance, and allow yourself to receive whatever you receive and know that it does not have to sound, imitate, or be anything like what you’ve heard before. If it’s exactly what you’ve heard before, that’s perfect too. That’s just what you need to hear.

For example, if you are a student of A Course in Miracles and your mind is made up of that vocabulary and understanding, then what you hear will likely be very similar to that body of work. If you have the mentality of a Catholic priest, you are going to listen that way. If you are a Buddhist, you will listen with that vocabulary and belief system, and that is perfect. If you have never studied any practice or belief then you will listen as you do and that is perfect. This is how hearing the Voice of God works! Listen how you want and know it’s perfect for you. Over the next few days, begin to recognize how other people listen and that what they hear is perfect for them. This will really change the way you experience the Voice of God inside and outside of you. Blessings to you.

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