Health Fitness

Enjoy eating healthy all day

How can you start eating healthy at home? Anyone who’s been down the road to weight loss will tell you that, for the most part, the struggle is about making healthy food choices. Since fast food and processed food are often associated with convenience, it’s hard to leave old eating (and shopping) habits behind. But […]

Health Fitness

Rapid weight loss in teens

Your adolescence has been long enough without having to worry about something like rapid teenage weight loss. Unfortunately, today’s society pushes today’s youth harder than ever to adapt to a specific body image that may not always be the best for us or our bodies. Therefore, rapid weight loss in teens has sometimes taken a […]

Health Fitness

The truth about macro patterns

There are all kinds of ideas and theories on how you should eat to lose weight. Diets ranging from Weight Watchers, to the Whole Foods Diet, to the Paleo Diet, and everything in between have their own guidelines for how you should eat to lose those unwanted pounds. One of the latest ideas on the […]

Health Fitness

Can Elderberry Supplements Lower Triglycerides? Discover the truth revealed

“Can Elderberry Supplements Lower Triglycerides?” Every person seeking treatments to lower triglyceride levels must have found the possibility that elderberry has an impact, directly or indirectly, on heart health. Researching the elderberry would tell you that this particular plant has been used for many years in alternative medicine. What exactly is it about elderberry that […]