Health Fitness

Eat healthy on a budget

Do you think that eating healthy on a limited budget is impossible? Many people believe that reducing food costs means that they can no longer afford healthy food. Some people even convince themselves that healthy weight loss is not possible unless they spend a lot of money. But eating healthy on a tight budget and […]

Health Fitness

Bodyweight Skull Crushers

I read somewhere that Skull Crushers is the only exercise that has a “warning” in its name. I can only imagine how the name came to be, but what I do know is that it is probably one of the best triceps exercises you can do. What’s even more amazing about this exercise is that […]

Health Fitness

CrossFit exercise early in the morning

If your CrossFit workout isn’t part of your first hour of the day, you’re missing out on a ton of benefits. Even if you prefer a post-exercise program, exercise for the first 30 to 45 minutes of your day and watch your health and productivity skyrocket. A morning workout routine and a healthy meal will […]

Health Fitness

What exactly is heart rate training?

What exactly is Cowboy Ryan’s heart rate workout? Heart rate training is the key to losing fat and building muscle. It is the right way to get your body in shape and feel good. Fat loss training involves wearing a heart rate monitor, which will track your pulse through a small sensor on a chest […]

Health Fitness

Safety Considerations for Plyometric Workouts

Plyometrics are explosive movements that use strength and speed to develop power. Imagine Coby Bryant or Michael Jordan jumping for a dunk, plyometric training, at least in part, makes that possible. Since they are high-impact and explosive, they have their own “brand”, so to speak, of training safety mandates. After all, you are hitting your […]