Health Fitness

Rapid weight loss in teens

Your adolescence has been long enough without having to worry about something like rapid teenage weight loss. Unfortunately, today’s society pushes today’s youth harder than ever to adapt to a specific body image that may not always be the best for us or our bodies. Therefore, rapid weight loss in teens has sometimes taken a nasty turn towards unhealthy weight loss and our goal should be to maintain a healthy and happy life.

A great place to start looking for a teen diet is the food pyramid that the FDA and USDA have been using to demonstrate what an average healthy diet should look like. You will need a certain amount of lean meats, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. The goal of any diet should be balance and overall health, even if it is a diet designed to help you lose some weight.

The USDA food pyramid suggests that to maintain a healthy diet and weight to eat food in the following daily serving amounts. Largest to smallest – Grains / Cereals / Breads – 6-11 servings. Vegetables come in 3-5 servings, while fruits come in 2-4 servings a day. Then come dairy and meat with 2-3 servings a day each. Lastly, there are the oils and fats that should be consumed only when necessary.

There is a factor that the food pyramid does not take into account and it is really important. In fact, its importance cannot be stressed enough. What is? Is water! You have to make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, more is not a bad idea either. Of course, there is a limited amount of anything that is good for you and that is also true of water. Oddly enough, too much water can kill you, but it’s such an enormous amount of water to consume that you really don’t have to worry too much if you’re just trying to stick to a healthy eating plan that allows it. lose some weight.

Your goal with any diet designed for weight loss will be to eat fewer calories than your body burns throughout the day. This can be calculated by looking at the nutrition facts on the label of the food products you buy. These labels are easy to read, but if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed at first, the FDA and USDA website has some great reference material for reading and understanding the standard Nutrition Facts label.

Keeping your meals well planned will allow you to more precisely control what may be the most important aspect of any diet plan. That important aspect: portion control. You have to keep control of the amount of a certain type of food that you are eating, and by doing so you will really give yourself a significant advantage when it comes to controlling your total caloric intake. When these important facts are combined with a strong and effective teen weight loss program, you can expect a rewarding result.

Most Americans have a very vague idea of ​​what a proper “serving” or serving size is. Typically, you can ask 100 people on the street how big a serving of green beans is and they will have no idea. You will probably not get a single correct answer either. To give you an idea of ​​how far away most people are, let’s give it a try and see how it fares. If you wanted to eat only one serving of cereal, how much cereal should you eat? A bowl? A cup? A bunch? Did you know? The answer is 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal or half a cup of cooked cereal.

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