
Boost your immune system, naturally

Prolonged stress and tension during these difficult times can lead to a compromised immune system. It can also result in a general lack of energy, feelings of “exhaustion,” lethargy, and a pattern of physical ailments. Colds, infections, fatigue, and general malaise can be related to a compromised immune system. Constant stress and anxiety are often big contributors to overall physical vulnerability. These are signs alerting you that it’s time to make some simple changes in your life, leading to a stronger and healthier immune system, in a natural and healthy way.

Support your immune system

– Slow down and practice self-care by making better nutrition and lifestyle choices.

– Strengthen your Immune System More whole foods, less refined and processed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plenty of rest: exercise program, oxygenate the body outdoors outdoors.

– Reduce – Animal fats – Sugar – Alcohol – Caffeine – Highly processed carbohydrates (mixtures, instant foods, fast foods, sweets)

Prositive foods and nutrients

Phytonutrients: Protect the body and fight disease: Examples: Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Pumpkin – Supply of Beta Carotene Oils for Vitamin E (Natural Virgin Olive Oil) Citrus for Vitamin C (Oranges, Grapefruits, Lemons, Limes)

Protein-rich foods: Fish and lean poultry. Salmon and mackerel improve the immune system

High immunity foods: Shitake and Mitake mushrooms.

Hydrate: Black or Green Tea (decaffeinated is recommended)… also plenty of pure water. Chamomile, Echinacea, Garlic, Astragalus.

Aim for a variety of foods to cover all essential nutrients.

Factors that compromise immunity:

Too much sugar (simple carbohydrates: candy, soft drinks, sweets),

High cholesterol


Too much acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin

Excess sugar and salt in the diet

High levels of cortisol add to low levels of serotonin, which stresses the immune system.

Avoid fluorescent lights for long periods of time.

Excessive use of electrical equipment.

cell phones

Anger compromises immunity for up to 6 hours.

High blood pressure is compromised.


Elevated levels of adrenaline.

Electromagnetic waves.

Excessive use of antibiotics.

food facts

SUGAR: It hinders immunity: – Leaves the body vulnerable to infections. – Excessive sugar consumption negatively affects white blood cells – Major contributor to impaired immunity – Even small amounts of simple carbohydrates (sugar, soft drinks, sweets) reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight and kill bacteria.

– Complex carbohydrates (healthy carbohydrates) are highly recommended as they do not have the same negative effect as simple carbohydrates.

Changes in lifestyle

Daily outdoor activity.

Healthy diet/nutrition plan

Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and avoidance of stimulants.

Swimming in cold water increases the body’s resistance to bacteria and viral infections.

Eight hours of sleep and relaxation.

Exercise regularly: 20 minutes, 3 times a week (walk, hike, swim, or bike ride)

Decrease stress: Learn the art of detachment as you displace life’s stress with positive interests, people, and activities. Connect with your powerful people: Surround yourself with smart people who add to your life rather than detract from it.

Steam and sauté foods. Bitter foods over sweets.

Maintain a clean and tidy (hygienic) home. Natural Hygienic Products

Morning sunlight strengthens the immune system. Sunlight before 10:00 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m. (no overexposure). Sunburns are a stress for the immune system.

Avoid electric blankets (alternating currents).

Vitamins: Vitamin A, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, vitamin E and selenium beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, garlic, omega 3 fatty acids

Now is the time to naturally strengthen your immune system. Simple changes in nutrition and lifestyle boost compromised immunity and lead to a healthier, stronger mind and body. It is always a choice. You have the power to rebuild your immunity and experience a healthier life. Take the challenge and live your life to the fullest, naturally and easily, while making healthy choices that support a healthy immune system.

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