Arts Entertainments

Are you ready for a night of passion?

Are you looking for that special woman, or maybe you are just looking for a sexy girl to have a one night stand with. You’re heading to the bar or club or whatever it is you like to do, and you see a very sexy woman in a spaghetti strap cocktail dress with silky hair flowing down to her mid-back, and she’s hanging out with her almost equally as beautiful friends. You engage the group in conversation, and the attractive woman you seek to connect with takes an interest in your presence. She asks you to go with her to the dance floor, to the pool table or to a more secluded area to get to know you better.

You have a more personal conversation with her and she begins to give you signs that she is attracted to you; she leans towards you when you talk, she twists her hair with her fingers, she gives you a beaming smile, she starts touching your arm, she wraps her arms around you, etc. Soon you lean in for a kiss and her lips passionately embrace yours. You feel the electricity of her soft lips, and soon you’re kissing her face, her neck, and she gets very excited. She excitedly asks if she can come back to your house and you can’t wait to take her home.

As you walk up the door with her arm in yours, you invite her in and she eagerly accepts your invitation. However, when you walk into your house, you see the empty beer cans scattered on the living room table, the empty greasy pizza box on the floor, and magazines and video games all over the room.

Her demeanor suddenly changes and she’s not as eager to stay at your place. However, you manage to apologize for the condition of your place and put her at ease again. Then you resume your passionate connection, you start stroking her in a sexy way and she gets really horny and begs you to make love to you. You get excited and run to your bedroom. You start taking off her clothes and she starts taking off yours too. Soon she takes off your pants and starts begging you to cum inside her. You look for a condom, but you can’t find one to wear. You tell her that you forgot to buy condoms earlier, at which point she gets upset and pulls you away from her. She rushes into her clothes and runs out the door of your house in a huff. You beg her to say, but she tells you: “Go away! I don’t want to see you again! Goodbye!”

What went wrong?

The Boy Scouts and the US Army have a motto that is used as a sacred creed:


In this case, what happens more often than not that men will admit, especially those men who are not very successful at dating, is that the man was not fully prepared for a night of lovemaking. He may ask how he wasn’t prepared if he managed to lure the woman he wanted to hook up with to come to his house. In this case, it was not for lack of desire; It was due to lack of physical preparation.

When the hot woman entered her place, she noticed that it was a mess. Most women are not attracted to messy homes, especially places where men are attracted to. Women often spend hours getting ready to go out to bars and clubs or dates, much of that time trying to choose the outfit that makes them look good, showering, doing their hair, choosing the right perfume, and applying the right amount of makeup. . These women care enough about their appearance to meet other people, and they expect the men they hang out with to do the same. Does that mean you should spend hours getting ready to go to bars, clubs or restaurants? Not necessarily, but you must take some steps that will prepare you for a night of passion.

1. Good hygiene. If you plan to go out with the expectation of meeting someone for a night of passion, this is a must. You should shower and shave beforehand, use some cologne or aftershave (but not too much), and clean your breath. You can do this by having breath mints or pocket packets of Listerine with you when you go out.

2. Clean your house. You don’t have to hire professional cleaners to come to your house and make it spotless, but you should keep it tidy enough so there aren’t dirty dishes, empty beer and soda cans and bottles, and junk food wrappers littered everywhere. . place. You may not have thought about those junk items around your house during the day, but a woman will quickly notice it when she sees your house, and she can make an instant judgment on your character based on the appearance of your house. (That is, if she sees that your place is dirty and messy, she may believe that you’re not in control of your life and she won’t see you as a potential partner.) Also, be very conscious of the kitchen and bathroom areas, as she may come to those places for drinks or to freshen up. Do you really want that insanely hot babe to see your crusty and moldy bathroom? I do not think so.

3. Have some snacks available. Be sure to have a few thoughts on hand like coffee, soda, beer, wine, and bottled water. She may not necessarily want them when she comes over to your house, but it’s nice to have them available if she decides to feel comfortable. If you have some wine there when he asks for it, he might even see you as more desirable because of your cultured status.

4. Have clean towels and a spare toothbrush on hand. If you’re lucky enough to get the hot woman to spend the night at your house, she’ll appreciate the effort you put into allowing her to cool off.

5. Always have condoms available. This is not just for show. This is not only for their protection, but for yours as well. He doesn’t want or need to risk any STDs, and he can’t assume that the woman he meets is clean. And unless you’re eager to settle down and raise a young child, you don’t want tonight ending in an unwanted pregnancy. Don’t assume she has condoms with her, and don’t assume she’s taking any contraception. Even if she has birth control, this will not protect you from the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

Another note about condoms: Men who haven’t been very successful on the dating scene or those who have recently ended a previous long-term relationship often forget to have condoms when they go out looking for dates. Whether they’re afraid to pick up other women or are “nice guys” who don’t want to take advantage of women, they often set themselves up for failure by not being prepared. Here’s something to say about the law of intent: People planning to visit a foreign country don’t just go to the airport and ask for a plane ticket.

They spend several days or weeks choosing a place to visit, reserving their plane ticket, hotel, and rental car in advance, ordering their passports, and planning an itinerary of places to visit when they go to this foreign country. And for those seriously looking to get rich, don’t just tell people they’re going to make a lot of money. They have a specific goal of financial freedom in mind, and they have a plan to make money, whether it involves buying and selling real estate, trading stocks and options, or selling products on eBay.

Does it guarantee that they will become rich? No, but by having a plan in place, they bring ideas and people to help them on their path to financial freedom. Dating is the same way. You may not necessarily find a woman to sleep with, but if you prepare ahead of time to look forward to a night of passionate sex, you put yourself in a sexually active state, and the universe will do everything it can to attract a woman who is eager for sex. . physical with you

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