Lifestyle Fashion

Yeast Infection Cure for Penis Rashes

A guy I know asked me about the yeast infection cure. Over a period of several years, he would develop a kind of rash on his penis. It’s maybe 3-4 times a year. He was tested for all kinds of causes (herpes, etc.) and he found no apparent cause and could not find any information about it. Now, she wonders if his candida infection was to blame all along. He also had some pain in his rectum, they also did tests (colonoscopy, etc.), but he found nothing. The doctor prescribed Sporonox, Nystatin and a couple of other prescription and herbal antifungals. No real improvement resulted from them.

Her candida infection is primarily intestinal and she has been fighting it for the past two years. She had her amalgam fillings about a year ago and debated whether to try SF-722. She finally started taking SF-722 in August of this year. Since she has been taking it, she is starting to feel better, more normal bowel and otherwise. She wonders if this Sf-722 is authentic. She is also trying to follow the diet, but found it incredibly difficult!

The diet is tough, but I’m glad SF 722 helped you. I have used SF 722, as well as Homozon and Threelac. Homozon is extremely cleansing so I kept increasing my dose. The Threelac works fine too, but I want to make sure I can reduce the time so that the SF 722 only kills the yeast, not other good bacteria.

I’m also looking into some very strong probiotics (over 50 billion per capsule) because I’ve read several people who claimed they were able to kill yeast with 200 billion per day for a month or so. Maybe it just squeezes them. I am also investigating an electronic machine with a 464 hertz cycle that supposedly kills intestinal yeast.

Anyway Homozon and Threelac are making a difference and I know the SF722 did it for me too. With sugar cravings, 500mg of glutamine under the tongue helps reduce the severity. It also helps with leaky gut syndrome.

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