Health Fitness

The 8 most important considerations in plyometric training

The word plyometric comes from the Greek word “pleythyein”, which means to increase or increase. It is based on two Latin root words, plio, which means more, and metric, which means to measure.

The term was first used in 1975 by American track and field coach Fred Wilt. Plyometrics is best described as “explosive-reactive” power training that involves muscle contraction in response to stretching of those muscles. Since plyometrics also engage the central nervous system, the training is neuromuscular where there is a combination of an involuntary (neural) reflex and muscle contraction.

Plyometric exercise is used to build power, but should not be confused with other forms of power training. What distinguishes these exercises from other power training techniques is that they include a very rapid loading phase in which the stretch reflex must invoke a powerful contraction and do it very quickly.

Examples of plyometric exercises:

This list is not exclusive, as there are many more.

  • ankle jumpers
  • power jumps
  • Lateral obstacle jumps
  • jumps
  • single leg jumps
  • squat jumps
  • Alternate leg diagonal limit
  • Back medicine ball throw
  • medicine ball hits
  • bank breaks
  • plyometric push-ups
  • Side by Side Box Mixes
  • explosive pushups
  • Inverted shovel diagonal throws
  • Reclined Pulsating Sweaters

8 Considerations for Participating in Plyometric Workouts and Exercises

general health

Check with your doctor before beginning a plyometric program. Plyometric exercise is an intensive form of training that includes explosive movements and is a high impact exercise. In general, many of the movements will be difficult for beginners and those with lower levels of general conditioning. It is not recommended for those with joint problems or other medical conditions, such as heart conditions, where intense movement can cause damage.

Individualized Program

In general, plyometric training should be individualized for the intended purposes of the participant. Every athlete or fitness enthusiast will have different goals, needs, and concerns. For example, those who want to increase their intensity in HIIT workouts to build conditioning, endurance, and burn body fat will need a different program than a basketball player training for the sport. For those in athletic training, all variables, including age, fitness levels, sport played, and medical history, must be factored in to design a program specific to the individual.

Proper warm-ups and cool-downs

Correct warm-ups and cool-downs are of paramount importance. The warm-up should consist of specific preparatory exercises, such as stretches that mimic the plyometrics performed in the main workout, and general movements that get your heart rate up, such as jogging in place or jumping jacks. A proper cool down will include flexibility stretches and a gradual return to pre-exercise state.

a professional trainer

Injuries can easily happen because these are very intense movements that require proper form and an appropriate level of fitness. It is always best to seek the guidance of a professional fitness trainer who can set up an individualized routine and guide you through tactics, proper use, form, and mechanics.

Beginner Moves vs. Advanced Moves

While there are several plyometric exercises for beginners, many are aimed at athletes in a specific sport and those in excellent physical condition. Advanced movements should be reserved for those with advanced fitness levels to avoid injury and get the best possible results from your training efforts. Aggressive programs, intended for advanced level athletes, are recommended for those who can squat 1.5 times their body weight, providing the considerable strength base needed for more challenging programs.

adequate progress

Proper progression must be considered in any plyometric training program. This is another area where a professional trainer can be an invaluable asset in guiding the athlete to avoid injury and achieve optimal results. Many times, enthusiastic beginners need an expert to control them and keep them focused on the tasks at hand.

Quality versus quantity

Quality over quantity is the hallmark of plyometric training where all exercises are performed with 95 to 100% effort.

Recovery and Rest

Proper recovery both within a single workout and between workouts cannot be stressed enough, as it is the leading cause of injury in plyo workouts. A proper balance between stress and recovery should be established with 1 to 3 minutes rest between sets and 3 to 5 minutes between different exercises in a single training session.

Recovery between workouts can depend on different variables and purposes of training and here, again, the experience of a trained specialist is more valuable.

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