Health Fitness

Top 5 Steamboat Misperceptions and Correct Practice

With the recent popularity of eating a steamboat in the winter season, many people eat a steamboat more often than usual. However, there are also some health conscious and healthy diet practitioners and analysts who complain that consuming a steamer is unhealthy, has the potential for high cholesterol, overheating and even the worst that can contribute cancerous elements. to our body. Actually, there are no bad natural foods, just wrong eating methods. Listed here are the 5 most common misperceptions about eating steam and sharing the correct way to consume this delicious and healthy steam cuisine.

Misperception 1: Lamb and beef have too high amount of fat, while fish meatballs and meatballs have less fat. Steamboat’s ingredient selection will have a direct impact on the level of fat and heat we consume. Actually processed fish dumplings, meat dumplings, shrimp dumplings and others have more fat, high salt level, poor meat quality, to some extent the dumplings are mixed with a lot of starch instead of meat real, so it doesn’t really contain much. nutrition and vitamins.

Suggestion: Choose lean meat, low-fat seafood, more vegetables, or replace meat with tofu to fill up on needed protein.

Misperception 2: Green vegetables: more is better. We all understood that eating more vegetables is good, so at Steamboat we add a lot of vegetables, we soak them until they are well done. But particularly in the steamer, green vegetables with large leaves are easier to absorb more oil from the soup, mushrooms also have the same function, therefore, make healthy green vegetables high in fat and fat, they are no longer healthy.

Suggestion: Instead of choosing large leafy green vegetables, why not select stem vegetables such as seaweed, lotus, carrot, radish, potato and yam? Since these types of vegetables won’t absorb as much of an oil element in the soup, the high fiber content in these vegetables can help remove oil that builds up inside our stomachs.

Misperception 3: The calorie level between different sauces is the same. Most of the time we neglect sauces that also add high calories to our diet as we are usually going to consume a lot of sauces for better taste and flavor. For example, frequently used sauce like garlic oil sauce, sesame sauce, chili sauce, and other sauces will easily have 100 calories in 1 large tablespoon.

Suggestion: Replace these high-calorie sauces with freshly chopped chili peppers, spring onions, white pepper in soy sauce, which will cut at least half the calories in the sauces. You can add 2 teaspoons of vinegar to help dissolve fatty oil in food.

Misperception 4: Completion of the steamed meal with desserts or main course (noodles, rice, etc). Usually many of us will end the steamer with some main dish like fried rice or noodles and some sweets. Actually, this is not correct, as we could over-consume with excessive calories.

Suggestion: The correct way is to consume only 60-70 percent fullness, if you want desserts or main dishes. If you’ve had too many starchy foods, just skip the main dishes and drink some teas to aid digestion.

Misperception 5: Enjoy slowly eating a steamboat for hours while you chat. We even understood the benefit of eating slowly, but it does not apply when eating Steamboat, as Steamboat soup base once cooked for more than 90 minutes, the nitrite level in the soup will increase and consuming more nitrite is not good .

Suggestion: Keep your steamboat meal session around an hour and a half, no longer than this duration.

I hope you find this practical and useful for all of you.
Healthy diet and happy life.

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