Health Fitness

Tips and strategies to help you lose weight after the holidays

Tips and strategies to lose weight after the holidays. The first step you should take when trying to lose weight after the holidays is to weigh yourself. This is a simple and easy step that most people forget to take. Because it is important? If you weigh yourself, you will know how much weight you need to lose. You will also need to find out how much weight you gained during the vacation period.

The second step will be to perform a 72-hour food audit so that you can identify the type of food you normally eat. This helps you identify the foods you need to cut back on. it could be energy-dense types of food like pizza or it could be fast food. It could also be that you have increased the frequency and amount of food you eat. If you notice that you have been eating more food during the holidays, then one of the strategies you can use to lose weight after the holidays is to reduce the amount of food you eat after the holidays. Get started today!

Drink at least one glass of water per meal. Why? Research has shown that drinking water before a meal helps to expand the stomach. This approach will make you feel completely full when you are only 80% full. This is important because eating only up to 80% was one of the common practices of the Okinawan people in Japan, which has the highest number of centenarians in the world (Boyle & Long, 2010). If you want to lose weight relentlessly without it seeming like a chore, drink at least two glasses of water per meal and eat more fruits and vegetables. This will help you reduce your total calorie intake per meal and slowly lose weight without counting calories.

In addition to starting each meal with a glass of water, be sure to add vegetables, such as cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach, and bananas to your meals. Eating a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables per meal with reduced portions from your regular or usual meal will significantly help you lose significant pounds and keep them off. Remember calories in and calories out.

Do you know the factors that make you want to eat more food? One factor is stress. If you really want to lose height, you need to make sure you don’t stress too much about post-holiday bills or relationship problems. If you regularly write down what stresses you out and what you eat after you’re stressed, you’ll be in better control of losing weight and keeping it off. This is part of the process of relentless self-control.

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