
The secret number of horse racing that can be the key to profit

Is there a secret to making money betting on horses? Can it all be reduced to a single simple number? There is a number, often referred to as “the golden meanfound throughout nature and geometry. It has been studied for thousands of years and is thought by some to be the key to everything in the universe, if used correctly, that is.

The number has also been referred to as the Fibonacci ratio Prayed golden ratio. The number is 1.61803398874989. As a ratio, it is used as a key to find the natural amount of increase or ratio between two numbers and that is why horse racing handicappers that use numbers and statistics to evaluate runners in a race often look for that ratio between numbers. .

From the golden ratio is an approximate number, people looking for it often shorten it to 1.618 or even 1.6. It has been found in nature in the proportion of branches and stems in plants and in the human body in the circulatory system, in fact it appears everywhere.

The reasoning behind its appeal is that if nature and the universe use it so often as a model of systems that work very well, it must be a powerful number with special properties. Since horses are animals and part of the natural world, some assume that they improve according to the golden ratio and often lose their shape accordingly.

The golden mean equation is A+B is to A as A is to B.

While you can find that ratio in many places, finding it in the rate of improvement in training or racing can indicate a horse that is perfectly suited to run the race of a lifetime, or it can simply mean that you can expect improvement. therefore again. Assuming it doesn’t bounce, of course, but then again, would a horse that is improving according to the perfect ratio bounce?

When using the number, don’t use the total speed figure or the race time, but instead use the difference in actual time to par (which will work as a constant in this case) and compare the improvement or decrease between races. after subtracting the time.

When you find that horse that is improving according to the golden ratio, it can be reasonable to assume that it will continue to do so until it reaches its limit.

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