
Steps to Dry Wet Cues Quickly

Cleats can get wet just like other types of shoes. And playing with wet cleats is not a good idea. In addition, it will not be pleasant to play in wet shoes. Apart from this, the humidity will cause severe damage to your shoes making them irreparable over time. Fortunately, you can dry your wet tacos with a little care and a few household items. Here are some steps you can take to dry your shoes.

loosen the laces

First, loosen the laces so that you can access the inside of the shoe. Also, the studs shrink when they dry out. This puts a lot of stress on the seams. By loosening the laces, you can reduce stress. The air will go inside the keys.

remove insulation

After removing the stencil, you can set it aside to dry. In fact, exposing different parts of the boot to the air will cause it to dry out faster. You can wrap the stencil in paper towels or place it in an open window to dry.

Use a wet towel

You can use a damp towel to remove dirt, mud, or grass from the studs. Be sure to remove the mud before it dries. Once the mud and dirt solidifies, it will be much more difficult to remove. You can also soak the towel in a bit of water to clean up the soft mud.

booty drying

You can stuff newspapers in your cleats to dry them out quickly. Be sure not to pack too many newspapers, as they can cause the shoes to bulge. All you have to do is put some newspaper on the studs to prevent them from shrinking. For the laces and the tongue, you can put a piece of newspaper between them.

Put your tacos in front of a fan

Your wet boots will dry faster if you put them in front of a fan. In fact, it will speed up the drying process. On the other hand, putting your shoes in a damp or humid space is not a good idea. You actually need dry air to dry your boots.

Use new pieces of newspaper

You can use a new sheet of newspaper every 2-3 hours to speed up the drying process. As a newspaper gets wet, it won’t be able to absorb any more water. Therefore, changing the newspapers over and over again will dry out the studs faster.

Avoid direct heat

Your studs will be permanently damaged if exposed to direct heat. In other words, you shouldn’t use a dryer, hair dryer, or oven to dry your booties. Doing so will cause some irreversible damage to your studs. Lastly, it’s not a good idea to be impatient when drying your boots quickly, as this will cause the shoes to wrap or damage the leather.

So if you have a wet pair of booties and want to dry them out, make sure you know what to do and what not to do. I hope this helps.

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