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Smile! God loves you!

There is a greater sin than not obeying Jesus; is the sin of

not believe that he loves you

When you believe that another person has your best interests in

heart, you can accept great difficulties in the name of that

person. People will actually pay doctors to literally rip out their

from the inside out, because they trust their good intentions.

When Jesus asks you to do something difficult, he is testing you.

your faith in his love and goodness.

Very few are willing to live by faith in obedience to Jesus.

After all, it asks us to give up our career, family,

possessions and reputation.

But he does it because he has something better to give.

you. We tested it and it’s true.

Like the merchant who sold everything he had to make the most of

Perfect pearl of the world, we don’t worry anymore

what we paid for it, because now we know what a bargain

we have received.

It has been argued that God “in his mercy” does not expect

that we take the teachings of Jesus literally. the assumption,

of course, is that the teachings of Christ contradict those of God


But we have discovered that the teachings of Jesus are

expressions of his mercy. By accepting Jesus, we have not

You just accepted a name and a ticket to heaven, but we have

he accepted his entire plan of salvation; and he starts right now.

While you cling to your mediocrity, your respectability, your

image of balance and moderation, you will never experience

this world of faith and love. Let go of your lukewarm religious

counterfeits and begin to believe that God really loves

you… infinitely… in every word that Jesus said.

You can’t say, “I think you love me, and how

expression of that faith, I will reject your discipline.” This is

not faith. It is a slap in the face from a loving God. but yes we will

accept God’s call, allowing our lives to be modeled after

his will, everything will work together for our good. (Novels


The religious world is full of people trying to carry out their

own operations. They refuse to fully put themselves in the

hands of the Master Surgeon. They fear losing their identity

friends, family, wealth or status. and that’s why they are

slowly losing their souls!

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