
Never pay for a phone call again

Do you want to call your loved ones back home for free? Do you know that more than 1,000,000 international calls are made daily? Don’t spend your hard earned money when cheap and free alternatives are available. VOIP calls provide callers with great service, great quality, and great prices. Because of the way VOIP is configured, callers can get very cheap calls all over the world. Don’t pay those outrageous costs to call UK, India, Bangladesh when it should only cost a couple of cents and even free.

In today’s VOIP market, some companies have made a name for themselves, such as, Reliance for international calls, and their landline and mobile carriers. These providers charge an outrageous amount of per minute charges to call countries that should be free. Callers do not need to pay outrageous amounts of money when providers like Local Phone, Yupee Phone, Zenofon, etc. They’re available.

Each of the above companies has its own benefits. Comprehensive reviews are present on my website below. LocalPhone is the best international calling provider on the market today without comparison. They provide crystal clear quality, no dropped calls and the most affordable and reliable prices. They provide users with local numbers for their own state in the United States or the United Kingdom. This allows callers to save your number on their respective mobile and landline phones. The per minute rates are also the best and can be seen on my website.

Yupee Phone, the only provider of unlimited VOIP calling plans to over 40 countries worldwide including India, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Iraq, UK and many more. These plans come at great prices ranging from $20 for 1,500 minutes to $40 for 3,000 minutes. If callers use a plan to call India, it will cost them less than $0.01 per minute. The plan can be used for unlimited calls, so it’s perfect for families and a group of friends can split the cost and share it. This will allow maximum savings. They also have the cheapest Pay As You Go rates and provide SIP setups for users outside of the United States. There is also a 10% discount available on my site and a way to get 120 free minutes each month!

Last but not least, a new Zenofon company, this VOIP company is like LocalPhone. They provide personal numbers for all contacts. There the rates are very cheap and the voice quality is excellent. A couple of features that separate this company from the rest consist of a referral based system for the referrer to earn money for friends and family who sign up. Also, callers can hide their caller ID and change it to the number they want to appear on the receiving mobile phone. This is great for call takers looking at the minutes of the incoming call.

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