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Mineral intake after gastric band surgery


Adequate daily intake of minerals is just as important as vitamins.

Sodium and potassium are taken as part of your food and fluid intake and we don’t expect you to need more of these unless you have severe vomiting. Always report severe or continuous vomiting. It is not normal after band placement. If it’s happening, something is wrong. The band may be too tight, there may be a slip or prolapse, or you may be eating poorly. It is essential that it be corrected.

Calcium is important for the growth and maintenance of healthy bones. Good sources include dairy, fish, tofu, and nuts. We have measured the bone density of people who have had gastric banding for several years and have not been able to show any suggestion of osteoporosis development. However, we recommend that you choose a vitamin/mineral supplement that contains calcium as an additional guarantee.

Iron can be low, especially in menstruating women. Since low iron intake is expected in a typical post-band food volume and little red meat, we should closely monitor iron levels and provide supplemental iron as needed. Good monitoring and an annual blood test should be enough to prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia. Good food sources of iron include red meat, breakfast cereals with added iron, spinach, beans, and chicken.

There is normally no need for magnesium, phosphorous, zinc or trace mineral supplements.

Vitamin and mineral preparations come in different forms and you need to try a range to find the one that suits you best. We would like you to take one a day but you won’t stick to it if you find the preparation unpleasant. The tablets are usually large and some people have trouble swallowing or passing them through the band area. You may find it easier to purchase soluble spray liquid forms.

Berocca Performance is a good example of an ideal vitamin and mineral preparation for LAP-BAND patients. It was originally manufactured by Roche Pharmaceuticals, but is now manufactured by Bayer under the Roche label. Both are highly reputable pharmaceutical manufacturers. Berocca Performance contains all nine water-soluble vitamins in adequate amounts, has added calcium, magnesium, and zinc, and comes in an effervescent tablet that dissolves in a pleasant-tasting orange drink. One a day is easy to take and covers all your needs well.

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