
Low ball bowling – a great method for bowlers

If you already love bowling, why not try it in a couple of different ways for a change? There is one specific style of bowling in particular that I would like to mention for avid bowlers. This type of bowling is called “low ball bowling.” Some bowling enthusiasts have found that experimenting with other types of bowling provides a great alternative to their normal bowling routine, or even changes their favorite style of bowling.

Low ball bowling is what I like to call “reverse bowling”, using a standard pin configuration. The object of the game, instead of getting as many points as you can, is to get as few points as possible. Kid-of like goofy, crazy bowl for adults – you want the lowest score. If you are playing low ball bowling strikes and spares are scored in exactly the same way that you would score a strike or spare in a normal game of bowling. It is necessary to knock down at least one pin. A perfect low ball bowling score is twenty. Which means that one pin is knocked down on each of the two balls per frame on the score.

An error, or gutter ball, in low ball bowling games will be recorded as a strike the first time it occurs (if it occurs). The second ditch ball will score as a spare, this means high points, but high points are not good, not good. You have to knock down or knock over at least one of the pins to get a low score. Therefore, this version of the game is quite a challenge. However, as can be easily deduced from the lens, it requires a completely different kind of technique.

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