Lifestyle Fashion

Loss: Does today’s highly masculine society make it harder for someone to experience loss?

Although experiencing loss is part of the human experience, getting over loss is not something that is generally viewed in the same way. As a result of this, it can be normal for someone to experience a loss and then continue on as normal.

Then they could have lost a family member, a partner or a pet, for example, but they will continue to behave in the same way as before. If another person is not aware that you have lost someone or something, he may not realize what has happened.

a cover-up

This can show how well someone can hide how they feel and “keep it all in check.” However, it can go further, as one can do what one can to hide how one feels about oneself.

Now, of course, there is always the possibility that what has happened hasn’t really affected them or perhaps, since this person or being wasn’t well for a long time, they have already been grieving their loss for quite some time. But if either of these two factors is not relevant and you have been deeply affected by what happened, it will show that you are not allowing yourself to face how you feel and go through the grieving process.

positive feedback

If there are people in your life who are aware of what has happened, most if not all of these people will not find it strange that they have not really been impacted by your loss. They might just believe that you are strong and ‘tough’, which is why it hasn’t really affected them.

There may be times when you will look sad and not be at your usual level, but this will be something that rarely happens. Therefore, even if one denies how he feels, he will be seen to be doing the right thing and applauded for it.

another scenario

Alternatively, one could embrace how they feel and allow their feelings to influence their behavior. Consequently, they will not be able to keep it all together or look ‘strong’.

Because of this, they might feel like they are ‘weak’ and certain people in their life might hint at the same thing. Still, before long, this internal and external pressure could cause them to disconnect from how they feel.

Out of balance

Whether the former or the latter occurs, it will all come down to the view that emotional expression is a sign of weakness. To be seen as strong and united, someone needs to control how they feel.

Also, when someone pushes down how you feel, your mind will resist what is happening in your body. They will be using their willpower to try to keep how they feel at bay.


But even though one will use their inner masculinity (mind) to control their inner femininity (body), that does not mean they will be aware of what is going on. As far as they are concerned, your feelings could be the result of what is going on in your mind.

So it’s not that you deny how you feel, it’s that you simply don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the ‘negative’ feelings that your mind is creating. By not focusing on these feelings and thinking the right thoughts, they will be able to let go of how they feel and move on.

A half truth at best

This could be something they have learned from the world of self-development or by receiving some kind of advice. From one of these sources or another, you will have come to believe that your thoughts create your feelings.

This point of view can be seen as a consequence of living in a society that is mind-centered and does not even acknowledge the existence of an emotional body, let alone delve into the impact it has. If this part of the self were also taken into account, it would become clear that thoughts can create feelings and thoughts can also trigger trapped feelings.

A short term solution

So, considering that how someone feels will also be a consequence of what is happening to them on an emotional level, it will simply not be possible for them to let go of their feelings just by having the right thoughts and focus. on the right things. Now, this is not to say that this approach does not allow them to convince themselves and others that they have ‘moved on’ from what happened.

By using the force to push how they feel out of their awareness and down into their unconscious mind/body, and creating a strong barrier between their two minds in the process, they could maintain this illusion for decades. however, even if they end up forgetting that they have forgotten this pain with the passage of time, it will continue to influence them.

Out of mind but not out of body

Over time, this emotional pain can end up having a negative impact on their physical health and draining them of vitality. The situations, circumstances and events you find yourself in can also be a manifestation of what has been accumulated.

There could be a time when you will experience another loss and this will trigger a lot of the pain that you have avoided for so long, and this time, you may not be able to use your mind to deal with it. Another thing that could happen is that by not dealing with their pain, they end up passing it on to future generations.

final thoughts

When it comes to the grieving process, this is a time when you will have to surrender to how you feel. Your masculine nature can support you during this time, but there will be no need for you to try to control the feminine part of your nature.

Going through this process is a sign of strength and something that little by little will allow you to truly embrace life once again and find meaning in it. Doing the opposite and forcing yourself to be happy and joyful is not going to serve you in the long run.

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