Lifestyle Fashion

How to Effectively Cure Bacterial Vaginosis

It’s unfortunate how little most women know about vaginosis. Vaginal yeast infections in general are something most women don’t seem to want to know much about. It is a topic that is not often discussed out of embarrassment. There is a general consensus that somehow a vaginal infection says something about women. What most women don’t realize is how common it is. Most women will know the uncomfortable feeling of being in that dark aisle at the pharmacy. It is time for the stigma to be lifted.

Fortunately, because of how common yeast infections are, there are many different cures available. The cure for bacterial vaginosis is one of the many advances that have been made in this field. This is important because bacterial infection is less common than fungal infection. While less common, there are more options available. These include some natural treatments that don’t work for a yeast infection but are perfect for a bacterial infection.

Yogurt is a commonly used treatment for a bacterial infection. Bacterial cultures present in yogurt have been shown to be very effective against these infections. The best type of yogurt to use is Greek yogurt. This is due to the high concentration of different bacterial cultures. Simply eating the yogurt a few times a day will work to effectively treat a current infection and will do wonders for helping your body fight future infections. Some women will even apply the yogurt directly to the infected area.

There are many different treatments that are available without a prescription. The most common of topical cream brands will contain the chemicals: clotrimazole, terconazole, micronazole, and butoconazole. There are also vaginal tablets that include the chemicals: terconazole, micronazole, clotrimazole, and nystatin. The less widely used but still popular oral medication, fluconazole, is good to use against fungal infections, but it doesn’t do much against a bacterial infection.

As with most other types of infections, there are important behavioral changes that will help cure bacterial vaginosis. It is recommended to modify the type of panties you wear. The only recommended variety is cotton. You should also avoid pantyhose due to the excess moisture that it will trap in the vaginal area. Whenever your whole body gets wet, it’s a good idea to completely dry the vaginal area before getting dressed again.

The most important part of any treatment is talking openly and honestly with your doctor. They will be able to help find out exactly what type of infection you have. Once you’re using a bacterial vaginosis cure, it’s a good idea to talk to your friends about it. This is important because it may help someone else you know. It also opens the door for you and your friends to feel less embarrassed about talking about yeast infections. The less embarrassment associated with yeast infections, the easier it will be to get the help you need.

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