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Does gastric banding cause shortness of breath?

It is estimated that there are approximately 300,000 obesity-associated premature deaths annually (CDC) in the United States as a result of obesity and accompanying health conditions. Health risks associated with obesity can include: high blood pressure, diabetes, increased risk of heart attack or stroke, blood clots, breathing problems, and much more. One method of treating obesity that has been gaining popularity is laparoscopic gastric banding, also called gastric band surgery. This procedure has been shown to resolve or improve many health-related conditions associated with obesity. One condition that many people worry about when undergoing the weight loss procedure is whether the gastric band will cause shortness of breath.

This procedure involves inserting a gastric band into the upper part of the patient’s stomach. Saline solution is injected into the gastric band which forms a gastric pouch. The result is a reduced size of the stomach. The patient consumes less food and loses a large amount of weight. This minimally invasive weight loss surgery has helped people with obesity lose weight and keep it off. Additionally, the procedure has been shown to improve lung function. The actual surgery does not interfere with lung function.

When a person is obese, their lungs cannot expand and contract properly. The result can be shortness of breath and shallow breathing, especially when engaging in an activity such as walking or climbing stairs. There is also reduced oxygen exchange in the lungs which can result in a condition called pulmonary hypertension. After surgery, the weight begins to come off and there is less pressure on the lungs. This allows the lungs to start working at normal levels. Not only shortness of breath is improved, but also obstructive sleep apnea and hyperventilation are greatly improved. Losing weight with a gastric band is a great way to improve your breathing.

Those who suffer from obesity can also suffer from asthma attacks. It has been shown that undergoing this surgery reduces asthma since the loss of fat will improve breathing. Inflammation is relieved and the airways are opened. People with asthma breathe much easier and freely after gastric band surgery.

This surgery is chosen by millions of people around the world as an effective weight loss procedure. When you have lap band surgery, you must commit to a healthy lifestyle change that includes eating the right portions of foods that contain the right amount of nutrition. You will also need to develop a healthy exercise program. It will make sure that the weight you lose never comes back.

Gastric band surgery is the only reversible weight loss option and the surgery itself takes only about 40 minutes and patients typically go home that day. If you think gastric band surgery may be the right solution for your obesity, it is important to discuss the surgery with a medical professional who can advise you on the risks and benefits of the procedure and help determine if you are a potential candidate for weight gain. . loss procedure.

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