Tours Travel

Budget Backpacking to Arrow Lake in Glacier National Park

Arrow Lake is located in Glacier National Park. As you drive towards Glacier, you travel through rolling hills only to suddenly see this geological wonder of huge mountains jutting out of the landscape. Known for its pristine forests, alpine lakes and meadows, rugged mountains and diverse wildlife, Glacier is truly a unique place. I have met people who have traveled the world and still say it is their favorite outdoor spot on earth. With more than 700 miles of trails, mountains and lakes, Glacier is an adventurer’s paradise.

The trail to Arrow Lake begins to climb immediately at a moderate pace and continues to the top of the ridge (2.5 miles). There are only a few viewpoints where you can see Lake McDonald. At the top of the ridge is a sign indicating an old fire lookout. The road to this viewpoint is old and almost gone.

The trail moves through a wide saddle then drops off steeply using switchbacks into Camas Creek Valley. At just over 3 miles the trail forks, going left to Rodger Lake and right to Trout, Arrow, Camas, Evangeline and Ruger Lakes. Go to the right. An old campground is located .25 miles down the trail along Trout Lake. There is a large log jam at Trout Lake which is useful for fishing. Bears also cross paths in this traffic jam. One of the first recorded kills of a park visitor by a bear occurred at this location. There is no longer a place to camp at Trout Lake.

The main field camp is 3.5 miles down the trail at Arrow Lake. This is a small campground with a good food prep area; post bear, gated and 2 hitch rails. The trail to the head of the lake requires crossing the creek at the foot of the lake. There are steps, but they are slippery and some are slightly submerged. The creek is only a foot deep at the crossing and feels good to tired feet.

The trail from Arrow Lake to Camas Lake is well maintained and offers spectacular views. There is a campground at Camas Lake. The food preparation area is very exposed to the wind from the lake. Lake Evangeline and Lake Ruger are located further up the valley and require a lot of effort to reach. There are large wet meadows above Lake Camas with many signs of elk and deer. There are many exposed slopes in this valley and it is a wet place which makes it ideal for berry bushes. This also means that this is serious bear country.

For current regulations and directions, check the park’s website:

Glacier National Park National Park Service
PO Box 128 West Glacier, MT 59936
(406) 888-7800
(406) 8887808 fax

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