
Broken promises

At a time of great distress across the country, our political leadership has once again failed to deliver on promises that would lift millions of Americans out of the desperate times they face. The economic and financial relief that was the keynote of his campaigns, especially in the Georgia runoff, a pledge and commitment to immediately accelerate financial aid to millions of Americans facing unprecedented economic and financial hardship is once again proof that our political system is corrupt. Corrupt in every sense of the word. Our politicians are bought and paid for by corporate interests and they are the ones who control the strings of money.

When political leaders don’t keep their promises, and when the media or the public don’t openly condemn them for failing or delaying their commitment, it creates growing mistrust of government. The political system in the United States today has become an institution that generates mistrust in the public. It was this mistrust in our government that allowed Trump to galvanize mass support in which our entire political system was not only called into question but almost turned into a full-blown insurrection.

For too long, people in government make commitments before elections only to not keep those commitments. It’s really no surprise then that the public remains skeptical and even outright fearful that things will only get worse. In too many cases, our elected officials have made things worse for the public. The voting public these politicians are sworn to serve. And yet they continue to serve only themselves.

What brings all of this home is the fact that many of our Democrats in Congress have once again reneged on stimulus aid that they ensured would be delivered almost immediately. Instead, they now propose that the aid be included in other legislation. The net result is that they actually lied to the American public, something Trump was famous for. It is not only the members of the Democratic party but also the Republicans. It is these Republicans who are too caught up in their conservative views that actually blind them to the horrible and deplorable conditions that millions of Americans face every day.

Every day, when there is a delay or other justification, they say that delaying passage of legislation that would actually benefit the American public increases the distrust we have in our government. Some congressmen realize the enormous riff that is brewing between the public mistrust of one political party over another. And, when there is so much animosity and polarization between political parties, the possibility of anything even remotely feasible alleviating much of the suffering millions face is almost impossible.

With a lingering pandemic, the realities of the Great Depression facing millions of Americans, and a global environmental crisis that urgently needs to be addressed are the urgent crises that must be the first and foremost realities our government must address. Yet they have continued to fail to reach a full consensus on solutions that would secure America’s future. It’s like it’s Democrats vs. Republicans. A complete breakdown of unity for the greater good of all Americans. And we can blame that on the policies our elected officials have already passed over the last 5 decades.

Many are entrenched politicians who have long passed on their usefulness to their respective constituents. Their only motive now seems to be an obstructive policy that subverts the reason our country was founded. And that has only increased the mistrust and broken promises of elected officials to the public. We have to always remember to stand up for our elected officials to hold them accountable for their actions and their commitments to the public. Without holding them accountable, as we’re looking at the results today, our nation is more divided than ever. And, the rising tide of mistrust in our government will soon engulf this nation in such a way that our future will be seriously jeopardized.

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