Shopping Product Reviews

Are you a price maker or a price taker?

“How much do you charge?”

The sweetest words to anyone who provides a service. You love listening to them, right?

Unfortunately, if you’re not convinced of the value of their services, you may
will dismay you, and if you are confused about the prices you charge you will never
the money you could be earning.

Twenty-odd years ago, my then-husband and I strolled through the glittering
extension of a new mall doing some late night shopping. suddenly the
he grabbed his chest and collapsed.

The ambulance arrived. They loaded it; I climbed behind.

As the ambulance pulled away, a paramedic asked, “What happened?”

When I told him, he said curtly, “It’s the prices they charge. It’s the prices they charge.”

Most Australian creatives I know are paid what the Australian media
Arts and Entertainment Alliance
( ) I recommend it. The members of the Alliance are autonomous
journalists, artists, designers, photographers, public relations consultants and book publishers and
test readers.

Alliance recommended rates are low. However, many freelancers charge even
Less than Alliance rates. Why?

Reality: Creative freelancers lack confidence. They are price takers par excellence, and
*reluctant* price takers at that. And in case you think I’m too down
colleagues, I include myself among those reluctant to accept prices. Or I did. I strive to do
better and have more control over prices.

=> Become a price creator by adding value to your services

A few years ago I saw an interview on Landline (Australian ABC’s rural affairs network).
TV show) about a banana plantation owner who was developing a banana

She said that she was tired of being a price taker, that she was adding value to her product.
because she intended to be a price maker: find new uses for her banana crop
allowed him to do that.

So that’s the big clue. If you want to be a price maker, you need to add value to your

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