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Adam and Eve (The story of common sense)

Let’s describe the ancient and original story of Adam and Eve, and then see where science, archaeology, anthropology, and the Bible fit together.

Why should we believe the story?

First dated from 8000 to 10,000 BC

Second, it was written, perhaps in 1400 B.C. C., so it is more than 3400 years old. But why should it still be believed? I mean, why not put it in the fairy tale category like the scientist does?

If we did that, the Epic of Gilgamesh, which dates back to 2700 B.C. C. and was written in stone around 1700 a. C., would have to be placed in the same contiguity.

Also, King Arthur, dating from 400 to 500 AD. C., first written by the French in 900 AD. C. and the English in 1100 d. C, more or less.

Also, we would have to put the story of Homer’s Trojan story in that category, and the Virgil part.

Which, at one time was a fable, until they unearthed Troy in Asia Minor, or Turkey, in the 19th century.

And now halfway reconstructed, finding that it has a history dating back to 2900 BC, or almost 5000 years.

What about Napoleon, everything I’ve read I’m sure is not politically correct!

Maybe it never was?

Or Alexander the Great? 333 B.C. C., or Plato, 400 a. c.

You see we have to question everything.

The point is that Adam and Eve were real, history has indicated, and they were not Homo erectus, or Neanderthal, or Lucy from Africa, they were human beings like you and me in the Garden of Eden which is now in Iraq.

How can this be if science and Physics say otherwise?

We’ve just discovered Black Holes, still a mystery, and still a quantum theory, which means it can’t be proven beyond a doubt.

We know, gravitational waves exist, just confirmed in 2016. But we’ve known for almost 100 years.

We have a theory about wormholes, where if you could find one, open one, go through it in an instant, you’d be in another universe.

We have now discovered bones in England that date back to 12,000 B.C. C., for Homo sapiens, making fires and flint-tipped weapons.

There is a new theory called progressive evolution. That is, under certain circumstances, with the exact mutation implanted, evolution or transformation, or even a metamorphosis, man or animal can acquire a trait and develop it in a few generations, if not decades.

Now we have Star Trek science fiction, at one point they used cell phones in the 1960s, now we have them.

Our scientists created powdered orange juice for use on missions in outer space a generation ago.

Now let’s go back to Adam and Eve.

History has proven that this legend has stood the test of time.

If Eden existed, it could have been in a bubble, in other words, to get to it you’d have to find the whole worm, and it was invisible to the nomadic tribe outside of it.

Also, the tree of knowledge and the fruit in question, metaphorical or not, was a betrayal of God, first by Eve and then by Adam.

I mean: who really cares if it was an apple, an orange, a banana or a fig, most likely it was a fruit, but to tell an 800 page story and put it in a one page book in Genesis, I’ll call it an apple.

As for the tree, maybe it was a tree or an orchard, again it does not matter, the intention of the betrayal is important. It could have been a bush!

The wooden horse that represented the invasion of Troy, could have been a horse galloping in the heavens in sound, and in theory, and in the background the roar of an earthquake, or similar, who knows.

The main point is that political correctness does not belong to the version, only to scientists. The story will not change one way or the other for the reader: Troy was thereafter destroyed by an army, waiting for the storm, or the chaos, or the horse, or the earthquake that put Troy 29 meters underground.

Now let’s go back to Adam and Eve.

Here they are in the Garden of Eden, and Satan enters through the wormhole, finds the tree of knowledge, and invites Eve to dinner.

What is the writer of this story really telling us?

In the Book of Job, God told him, “Do you know everything I have in my storm room?”

And Job said “No”

And I think God inferred: “I know you don’t know, and you don’t know what’s behind all this oppressive life I’ve given you, once a king, and now poor.”

Why couldn’t Job think ahead and say, “I didn’t think of that?”

Why doesn’t the scientist say that? Instead of trying to prove the improbable, being the right answer only to find out a decade or a generation later, they have yet to rewrite history.

If you take Adam and Eve out of the equation, you have to take out the black holes, the wormholes, and those 100 galaxies we’ve now discovered behind the Milky Way, because maybe all those galaxies aren’t galaxies, just suns and stars, with fragmented matter, and scattered everywhere, without borders.

You see, life is simple and complex.

What we don’t know, we may not need to know for this time and period.

The angelic force was born in heaven, and they don’t know the whole story either, that’s why when you die, and let’s say you’re worth it, and you go to heaven, common sense will say angels, and above all your guardian angel will ask you what it was like to be human

That brings up another statement: Jesus Christ says in the New Testament, inferring that he is “The Son of Man”, more often than “The Son of God!”


He was proud and excited, and he felt that He and his Father’s work were substantial, in the big picture of creation, he liked the phrase, and we should too.

Evolution, real or science fiction?

This is something you have to pick and choose. Some of it is, and most if not.

Asteroids have hit the earth in the past, thus causing the extinction of the dinosaurs, but think about it, could you and I live with such great creatures in the 21st century?

There were ice ages, but they created pathways for migration through Europe to North America, to South America, to form new civilizations, like the Inca or the Maya, and so on.

But back to Adam and Even.

After they were thrown into the Garden of Eden, they came to know the world around them.

Eve left Adam for 130 years, had other children, and returned. And her seed went down to the days of Enoch, the seventh from the generation of Adam, and all the way down to Noah.

The pigmentation of the skin maybe changed, and the height of the breeds maybe increased, and they carried an idea to another generation, so the legends were passed on by word of mouth.

So you can say mutations, and change is always in motion.

When Abraham was born, the Jewish nation was also born, around 2000 B.C. C., Job is a legend of the Jews, dating from around 2200 BC. C., transmitted from generation to generation.

As is the story of Adam by Moses.

Three percent (3%) of us humans have the Neanderthal gene in us, along with the Adam genes in us, along with those outside of the Garden of Eden.

The Neanderthal gene protects us from disease, and the Adam gene leads us to the understanding of God, the spiritual part of our whole we need as humans: the psychological, sociological, spiritual, and physical elements within our genetic makeup, embedded in our chromosomes, or DNA, if it’s not there, then we are subhuman.

Adam, you gave us a lot to think about.

I realize women, some women would not prefer the part of the bible that says they came from Adam’s rib.

Adam’s rib, along with the rest of his body has one thing the outside world in the Garden of Eden did not have, and that was the breath of God, in his bone marrow, and now women had it too.

And to close this kind of story, I want to say that God went around and gave women the privilege of giving birth to humanity, it’s kind of a trade-off, so I look at it that way.

And today is my mother’s day, she went to see the Lord, thirteen years ago, and all I can say is that God gave the woman a great gift.

#5292 / July 1, 2016 / Dedicated to Elsie T. Siluk

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