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5 Body Contouring Side Effects You Should Know

People who have achieved extreme weight loss or who want to lose excess weight permanently often turn to body contouring. The surgical procedure is used by doctors to remove excess fat from the region of the abdomen, hips, and thighs.

The procedure can also help sculpt the body so people can improve their figure and regain health and confidence. Being overweight can lead to many health complications and body contouring surgery is an effective way to lose the extra fat.

Although this surgical procedure can help with permanent weight loss, it is important that patients are also aware of the body contouring side effects so that they can make an informed decision about surgery.

5 side effects of body contouring

  1. bruising and swelling – The most common side effects of body contouring are bruising and swelling. Since a significant amount of fat is removed from various places on the body, it can lead to temporary bruising and swelling. Although it may subside within a few days, it can continue to be a persistent problem in some cases. Bruises can be itchy and annoying at times.
  2. risk of infection – As surgical wounds may not heal properly, the risk of infection may be increased. If the patient suffers from other skin or health problems, it can slow down the healing process and this can aggravate the condition and lead to infections. Allergic reactions to antiseptic dressings and solutions can also infect the operated area. Post-surgical care is of the utmost importance to help prevent infections of any kind. Antibiotics are commonly used to successfully treat infections.
  3. Pain, scarring and change of sensation. – Since large amounts of skin and tissue are removed during the body contouring process, it may cause temporary pain. Scarring in certain parts of the body and a change in sensation are also common side effects. Although scarring is impossible to prevent with surgery, a good surgeon can keep it as inconspicuous as possible.
  4. Seroma or excess fluid – In this condition, excess fluid gets trapped inside the body and begins to accumulate in certain parts of the body. The fluid is drained from the body through tubes and this can cure the side effect easily. Depending on the amount of fluid collecting in various parts of the body, tubes may be placed inside for drainage for at least a week.
  5. Risks Related to Anesthesia – Some patients may experience nausea after anesthesia. There may also be other risks associated with anesthesia.

After surgery, you may experience a certain amount of pain and discomfort and this will most likely subside within a few days. Surgeons prescribe pain relievers based on different surgical procedures.

It is advisable to follow the postoperative care suggested by the surgeon for rapid healing. In some rare cases, multiple procedures may be required to achieve the desired results.

Serious complications or side effects are rare with body contouring surgery. However, you must remember that all types of surgery have side effects and risks.

The healing process is usually slow in this surgery, since large parts of the body are operated on, but with proper care and rest, the common side effects can be easily managed.

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