Legal Law

3 reference points to choose the best sport for your child


Have you ever reached a point in your life where your son/daughter, now almost a teenager, tells you: “I don’t know what sports I should play Everyone my age is doing something and I don’t know what to say when I demand moi”
This is a question that is not always easy to answer in the heat of the moment.

In the world of sports there are so many options and for each sport there is the best state-of-the-art equipment and if you really think about it then this question should not be that difficult to answer.

Suddenly you realize that you’ve never really paid attention to that side of your child’s training and don’t really know either. What answer do you give your son?
This was the question I was faced with many years ago and to be honest I never thought about it before that day.

Of course, what immediately came to mind was: What sport in the world makes the most money! But is that really what matters?
We then had a discussion about the pros and cons of each sport that was played in the neighborhood, of course.

Many renowned sports champions have their children play the same type of sport as them; which most of the time works fine, but it’s not always a case of “father-son” getting to the finish line. upper part.

Different factors must be taken into account to make a decision and sometimes a quick answer must be given, because children can be very demanding.

If you don’t see a clear and obvious decision, perhaps you should reflect on the following criteria that might help:

1. Expenses to start and maintain teams for the specific type of sport.

2. Physical condition of your child, eg. height, weight, complexion, visual/hearing condition, etc.

3. Logistics to sports facilities.

If you have observed and perhaps noticed your child’s interest in any sport, obviously that will be the number one factor to consider. If not, there are several ways to help and motivate you in the right direction. No, I repeat, do not try to force your son to play any sport that she likes.

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