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Why You Should Fix Water Damage Fast

It is an unfortunate reality that many people underestimate the potential damage that water can cause even with a limited exposure time. Chemistry teaches that water can be either a base or an acid depending on environmental factors, which means that in highly acidic environments, water acts as a base and in low pH environments, water is slightly acidic. The mutable nature of water grants it the ability to carve solid rock into beautiful natural wonders, but this same ability can also destroy drywall, plumbing materials, and other common building materials. This point, however, is often forgotten when people are dealing with water damage.

When it comes to water damage, many people simply focus on the top layer of water and do nothing about the layers of water that have penetrated the subfloor or been absorbed by the drywall (also known as drywall). and plasterboard) and sill plates that are usually due to the double whammy of not understanding the risks and not having the proper removal equipment. Wikipedia reports that drywall is “easily damaged by exposure to water” and “supports mold growth.” Although drywall is treated to make it more resistant to water, if the drywall is punctured or if water accumulates, such as with water damage, around the unprotected area of ​​the drywall, the drywall porous it will easily absorb and hold water. The longer absorbed water remains inside the sheetrock, the more damage it will cause.

Unlike fire damage which leaves a visible and usually static damage path, water damage can be subtle and can manifest its destruction over a period of time. Unlike the immediate destruction caused by fire, water, similar in many ways to stress, can slowly erode the host until it requires extensive repair at MUCH higher cost and over a MUCH larger area than the initial exposure. To treat. The subtle nature of water is what causes water damage to be regularly underestimated and therefore not adequately addressed in real world case scenarios.

Unfortunately, despite the best intentions and valiant efforts of many honorable DIYers, their efforts are in vain as they simply lack the necessary equipment for remediation and such equipment is often not available at your local rental store. At best, these individuals may have access to a commercial carpet cleaner that can effectively remove the top layer of water, but does little to penetrate the subfloor or remove absorbed water, so they will stop when the area feels dry and leave a fan on. This method is very similar to the method employed by remedial professionals in the infancy of the water restoration profession, but was soon discarded as it was quickly shown to be ineffective, at best, and a catalyst for remediation. decay and mold growth, at worst. .

The best way to combat water damage, and to prevent the short- and long-term devastation caused by water damage, is to call a professional water damage restoration company as soon as you find it. the damage. While the honorable do-it-yourselfer will have the relentless urge to get out their gear and help out the professional water damage restoration company, the best way a do-it-yourselfer can help the company is by deactivating the source. from water damage (if possible), ensuring the area is free of electrical hazards, and ensuring the affected area is free of debris and physical hazards (if possible) so that professionals can remove the water as quickly as possible. as fast as possible to minimize restore time.

The right timing is essential for the fastest restoration. Now you know.

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