
Why Small Businesses Need Mobile Websites

If you’re still on the fence about how to get mobile websites, consider this:

How much business are you losing?

Face it… Who today does not have a smartphone!

Your customers are using their smartphones to shop and browse the web, find what they’re looking for, and are spending $$$ billion a year from mobile devices. Because your potential customers can’t find the information they’re looking for, they leave your website in droves, unimpressed with the poor user experience!

* Currently, 50% of all local searches (people looking for local products and services on the Internet) are done on smartphones such as iPhone, BlackBerry, Android OS, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS and that number is increasing dramatically.

* Morgan Stanley estimates that the number of smartphones in the world will surpass desktop computers sometime in 2013. Regular websites are NOT at all user-friendly when viewed on a mobile smartphone. They don’t fit on the small screen and they look horrible. They are difficult to read and navigate, extremely slow to load and will lose your potential customers who will give up in frustration and go with your competitors.

A mobile website is your business solution and can be optimized in no time, so you can put an end to those lost sales.

The point of a mobile website is not to offer everything your standard website has to offer, just the core information about your business is pretty much what most mobile consumers need to find on their mobile sites.

Show only the core information that a user needs to find. For example: area of ​​expertise, hours of operation, click to call, contact information, map and directions, to name just a few. Some companies go further and offer discount coupons, display special offers, QR codes and offer discount pages on their mobile websites.

I never really considered what mobile websites could do for our business until I started with a new source of income and after doing some research I realized that mobile websites are also essential for our site’s organic google rankings. major. We are targeting very specific keywords and a lot of our new customer base is coming from mobile sites.

The click to call button definitely works because the phone won’t stop ringing! Our mobile sites are actually getting more visits than our main sites!

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