Lifestyle Fashion

Why do I have to drink Smooth Move tea while following the lemonade diet?

Although the lemonade diet is very popular, many people don’t know as much about the diet as they think. Many would say it has something to do with eating lemons mixed with maple syrup and cayenne pepper. While this is true, there is another important component of the lemonade diet that is often overlooked: detox tea.

Smooth Move and the lemonade diet

Smooth Move tea is a detox tea made with Senna, which is a laxative. As if drinking lemonade wasn’t enough, now you’re telling me I have to drink detox tea too? That’s how it is. The lemonade concoction breaks down toxins and matter within your body, and the Smooth Move tea removes it from your body.

Because Smooth Move Tea contains Senna, it will almost certainly make you poop within 24 hours. This is why detox tea is taken once in the morning and once in the evening during the lemonade diet. Detox tea is taken just before bed so that you have a bowel movement in the morning. Then drink another glass of Smooth Move tea sometime in the morning to cleanse your system throughout the day.

You’ll know the tea is working because your stomach will start to cramp before it’s time to go to the bathroom. When that happens, it won’t be long before you have to go to the bathroom. Bowel movements occur frequently while following the lemonade diet, so don’t be surprised if the toilet becomes your new best friend.

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