
Why be careful with whiplash injuries

As a practicing chiropractor for 35 years, I have seen a large number of patients who have suffered needlessly from neck or back pain that was originally brought on by trauma such as a car accident. Once we have helped them get rid of their pain with chiropractic care, their frequent comment has been, “I wish I had come here years ago.” This article will discuss the effects of trauma on the body, the consequences, and what can be done to mitigate the effects.

It is very common to be in a car accident, fall or be hit by something and not feel any immediate pain. This is not to say that our spine did not suffer an injury. It may not start to hurt until days, weeks, or months after the trauma. In fact, research studies show that 50% to 88% of people who experience whiplash from a car accident continue to suffer years later.

When there is sudden and unexpected trauma from an accident, such as whiplash, there can be injuries to soft tissues: muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other tissues. If there is a major accident, I recommend that you first go to an emergency medicine center to make sure there are no life-threatening conditions. However, I have seen many times that patients were sent home after x-rays, MRIs, or CT scans found nothing broken or dislocated, but the spine had sustained soft tissue injuries that went undetected by these tests.

Whiplash is a term that describes an injury that occurs to a person’s spine, usually in the neck. Suddenly and unexpectedly, the neck and head are thrown very quickly in one direction and then in the opposite direction. We could say that the head is “turned” on the neck. This in itself would be detrimental to the neck structures. In addition, however, if the head turns slightly to the right or left when impact occurs, this can complicate the effects of the injury. If soft tissue injuries are not treated, the neck and back will not heal properly and can develop problems years later.

To avoid this, I strongly recommend that the person be checked for spinal damage. If there is not, one can be free from worry. If there is an injury, it can be treated with treatment, quickly, so it doesn’t get worse. Chiropractic care is the most effective way to help the spine repair itself and become healthy. If chiropractic treatment is neglected, it could mean the difference between health or disability and comfort or pain.

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