
Who is Joe Schroeder the meat man?

My wife and I have discovered a few things that we would like to associate with Joe the Meat Man. For those of you who have heard of Joe the Meat Man, you probably know that he is a bit weird and even a little weird or strange, but really being different is all that’s bad… we don’t think so, because many great men and women on this planet were or are a little different.

Just to give you some people who were considered weird when they walked the planet. We are men like Benjamin Franklin, Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Harry Truman, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Elvis Presley, so as you can see, being different is not necessarily a bad trait. In our opinion, Joe is in no way trying to turn it into a “drink the cool aid” cult…what he seems to be trying to teach people is quite simple to understand but extremely difficult for us to pull off, is to be someone who cares about humanity. It sounds like Joe is just trying to do what the “Great” Zig Ziegler has been teaching for so many years, which is that you can have anything you want if you help enough people get what they want. Take the movie “White Men Can’t Jump” with Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes. When they’re in the car with Rosie Perez driving down the road in this convertible with Woody in the back seat and Wesley in the front seat. You hear Woody and Wesley talking about Jimmy Hendrix. They say “you can’t just listen to Jimmy, you have to listen to Jimmy” and argue about how they’re not really listening to Jimmy. Which really just means they understand the music behind Jimmy. Joe the Meat Man is very similar to that…you need to listen to Joe…not just listen to his voice or the way he talks, but rather what he is saying…take the time to listen and understand the music behind him…what he’s really saying.

It’s actually quite a simple concept, but as we said earlier, it’s not the easiest to master as we’ve been trying for years, even before we met Joe. It seems to us, and it is only our opinion, but he is doing his best to show you greatness, but not greatness in his eyes or someone else’s eyes, but within your eyes…recognize the greatness within of you. It really seems like he wants nothing more than to celebrate, but since he will tell you if what he says doesn’t resonate with you, it’s okay for you to go. We think all he wants is for YOU to be everything YOU were put into this wonderful world to be, and then he goes one step further and really discusses and examines with people how that’s possible.

The first thing we learned from him is that it is important to truly understand and believe that your God, creator, life force or whatever entity you want to call it… is within you, and your destiny is within you, and your success is within you. of you. you and he are simply helping you recognize it by helping you to look inside yourself and like so many doctors do… and examine yourself… your inner being, find out who you really are and allow that person to shine. You are so incredibly great if you only allow your inner being to understand and see your greatness.

Most of the stuff Joe writes or talks about frequently isn’t something he made up, it’s just something he’s read about, learned about and seems to tie them together so you can do the same. For example, he has said, and most of you should recognize where this comes from, “Be true to yourself.” This can be so deep, but so difficult to achieve. There is no doubt in our minds that many people agree with the statement, but agree with the thought that it is not enough; if you want success and I’m talking massive success. The kind of success that people talk about, dream about, pray for and search their lives to discover. The only way to achieve the kind of success we’re talking about is by looking inward and learning to love that person…Donald Trump did it…Ben Franklin did it…Martin Luther King did it, and so many others .

How many of you have heard that if you can’t truly love yourself how is it possible to truly love someone else, and if you just think about it for a short time would you agree? Look in your mirror every chance you get and see the person behind those beautiful sparkling eyes, and learn to love that person, and love that person more than you’ve ever loved someone before. Get rid of your ego by loving yourself and not to the point where you think you’re better than anyone else because you don’t… want to learn to truly love yourself because like you do with your body language, your words and even your expressions. will give birth to a great person, but humble, demonstrating it with facts. It is a fact that the more love you have for yourself, the more love you have to share with the world, and the more love you share with the world, the more truly successful you become. Let’s add to this a bit by saying, if you take this further, you can have more success than you ever dreamed possible in your life if you just help enough people achieve the success they dreamed of.

So now we tell you… who is Joe Schroeder the Meat Man… is he a messiah… hell no… Can he walk on water… no he was a wizard though but unless he knows where there are the rocks he will sink like all of us… he is but a man. Okay, he’s, in his own words, a little weird, weird, and you saw the list is up some great men who fit into the same category, so maybe it’s a little weird, but it’s still just a man trying to help. humanity and maybe make this a better place to live. He brings to life the words of so many great men and women. Ben Franklin had a group of masterminds that met quite regularly called “Together”, and if you get a chance to find one that suits you, jump into it with both feet.

In closing, if you live… we mean really live in a place where you daily give thanks to your creator, God, source of energy or that special entity that you think is bigger than you, and you have filled your heart with a love complete and whole. for you and humanity, along with every bone in your body is patriotic for a country, a flag and a group of men and women who fight daily…did you hear that?…fight daily and give their lives alone so we can live in a world where capitalism or free enterprise thrives…then take me to fresh help…we’ll gladly partake of that nectar and do it by the gallon if it’s available. This is a simple concept, but extremely difficult to master and it is only ONE simple lesson if you can learn to allow your Ego to get out of the way…which is the single most important thing you can do to be successful in whatever line of business you choose. . Ask yourself a question if you are following your subconscious and getting everything you want…really, how are you doing…or do you need to take a test?

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