Health Fitness

What does proper nutrition, diet and exercise have to do with your immune system?

Let’s talk about the immune system… Do you think it’s boring?… Think again! ; )

Understanding the function of your immune system is of paramount importance. Most of us when we think of “Immune System”, we think of “BORING”! But learning how to maximize your efficiency will help you reap long-term health benefits.

Once you understand the importance of protecting your immune system, you can take the steps necessary to live healthy and be more effective in everything you do. Taking care of your health should be a lifestyle: it can be hard to get started, especially if you’ve neglected your health over the years, but once you get into the habit, it’s second nature and the benefits are priceless…so Let’s get to work…

Understanding the immune system  

The immune system is a complex network of cells, structures, and organs designed to fight off harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, parasites, and the like that constantly try to attack the body. It can be seen as an army that is always “on guard” to protect the body. It is your most important health ally and its job is to keep you healthy at all times. He works tirelessly, non-stop to ensure that you stay and feel healthy.

How does the immune system work?  

I’m not going to get too technical here, rather let me try to put it in a nutshell. As you probably know, our body has white blood cells and red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The immune system has a remarkable ability to distinguish between which are your body’s own cells and which are foreign. Each cell in your body has a marker to distinguish its own cells. When a cell travels without this marker, or a foreign molecule attaches to the cell, the immune system immediately recognizes the invader as foreign and destroys the foreign organisms that have invaded its body.

If we didn’t have an immune system, we would never get over the flu or even a little cold and would end up dying from the simplest of diseases. So you can see the importance of taking care of it. So, in essence, it’s designed to keep your body in peak health!

So, you’re probably wondering, why do we still get sick when our bodies are designed to fight the good fight? Well, in simple terms, the lack of the correct nutrients and antioxidants in our regular diet will eventually lead to immune deficiency.

What should I do to maintain a healthy life?Immune system?  

As you already know, no one can survive without a fully functional and robust immune system, so it is imperative that we take ourselves seriously and take good care of our own. Here are some ways to support a healthy immune system:

  • Diet makes a difference: eat foods rich in antioxidants and drink plenty of water
  • Complement your diet with quality nutritional supplements
  • Find ways to de-stress (yoga, meditation, walking, etc.)
  • Incorporate a moderate exercise routine (3 or 4 times a week)
  • Avoid drugs, tobacco and alcohol

Let me end with some words of wisdom.

As a wise man once said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Prevention is always the best option and it comes when you make health a lifestyle choice. When you really get down to business, you’ll realize that “health is, in fact, wealth.”

In conclusion, your best investment in your life and well-being is to keep your pH balance in check with the most powerful antioxidants. They are the communicators between all cells and ensure that your immunity is at peak performance. Invest in your health… it’s never too late and it’s worth it!

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