
Unlimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth hosting?

Today, many hosting companies offer unlimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth in their shared hosting plans. Is it really possible to allocate unlimited disk space and bandwidth on a shared server? Absolutely not. If it’s really possible, why aren’t there unlimited disk space and bandwidth plans for VPS hosting or dedicated server?

Most web hosting companies put the restrictions that way; it cannot use more disk space and bandwidth.

How to restrict disk space usage:

Almost all hosting companies that offer unlimited disk space set the restriction on inode usage. An inode is a data structure that contains information about a normal file or folder, such as its size and owner. Generally, a file uses an inode. For example, if a web hosting company has set limits of 50,000 inodes, that means that you can keep a maximum of 50,000 files / folders in your account. If you have many email or image accounts, you can easily exceed this limit. If your account exceeds their inode limit, your account will be suspended or canceled by them without backup availability. Additionally, many web hosting companies also impose restrictions on backups. If your account exceeds half the assigned inode limit, it will be removed from your backup system.

How to restrict bandwidth usage:

Any web hosting company can restrict bandwidth usage in the following ways:

[1] Restrict total processes per user

It is quite possible to set this limit and if your account exceeds the allowed processing limit, visitors will start to get errors on your website, which is not good for your website and you may lose traffic.

[2] Reduce bandwidth per Virtualhost and establish connections allowed by IP address

There are many modules (ie mod_cband for Apache, etc.) available to speed up bandwidth usage by Virtualhost. It is also possible to configure the connection allowed by IP address.

Also, many web hosting companies do not allow large video files or flash files.

It is advisable to review the terms or service before subscribing to such web hosting plans or you may opt for limited disk space and bandwidth web hosting plans.

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