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Types of table saws

A table saw is one of the most popular pieces of machinery used for woodworking. It consists of a circular saw powered by an electric motor that is mounted on a table. To cut, the material is pushed through the saw on top of the table. It is mainly used for large wood projects such as fences, tables, bookcases, etc. When selecting a table saw, it’s important to know the different types and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The following are the four basic types of table saws and what they have to offer.

table saws

The table saw, also known as a portable saw, does not go all the way to the floor, but must be placed on top of a table for support. This is the lightest version of the table saws. Usually one person can carry them from job to job.

The tabletop model is preferred for those looking for a table saw that is portable and less expensive; however, remember that you always get what you pay for. The table saw has the least amount of capacity of any of the table saws. With the decrease in size and weight of the saw, it is less durable and there are greater restrictions on the size of projects that can be carried out.

Contractor Saws

Also known as an open stand saw, the contractor’s saw is heavier and more durable than the bench saw. Your circular saw is mounted on a heavy table with an open set of legs. This type of saw is often preferred for those who have a tool shed at home, as it is moderately priced and does not require any additional voltage beyond what is provided in a regular outlet. While this model is heavier and less portable than the bench model, the contractor table saw is often moved from job to job (most contractor saws come with wheel attachments to make this easier).

cabinet saws

Cabinet table saws have the circular saw attached to a table with a cabinet. It is the largest and heaviest of the table saws and therefore does not move like other table saws. The cabinet table saw is more durable and has less vibration, allowing for a smoother cut. However, the cabinet saw is more expensive than the other types of saws and usually requires the installation of a heavy circuit. The cabinet saw also has a height and tilt adjustment feature and has better dust pickup than the other models.

Hybrid Saws

A hybrid table saw is much like a contractor’s saw with a few key differences. For one, it’s much more compact than the contractor’s saw and doesn’t require as much space in your tool shed. The hybrid table saw also offers some of the features of the table saw. With its solid, heavy base, it has the lowest vibration of a cabinet saw along with dust control. A good quality contractor saw or hybrid saw will suit the needs of most woodworkers.

The cabinet saw, contractor saw, hybrid saw, and bench saw are all types of table saws that will help you with your woodworking projects. Each saw is slightly different to suit the specific needs of the woodworker. One must find out what they need from the table saw before determining what type of model they need. However, for your average woodworking projects, you can’t go wrong with a quality contractor’s saw.

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