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The healthy penis diet: foods for a better sex life

It happens every hour of every day. Men turn down sex because they feel bloated, tired and just not in the mood due to a dietary decision. Whether it’s an avalanche of cookie dough ice cream or 45 chicken wings during the big game, the wrong foods can completely destroy your sex drive. However, there are many foods that do the opposite. In one way or another, they make a man feel and act like Don Juan. For men who want a healthy penis and a healthy sex life, look no further than these healthy penis diet superfoods.

The Penis Diet: Libido Enhancers

Let’s start where it all begins: libido! There are several foods that keep libido high. Here are some favorites, some may surprise you:

– Broccoli – These tree-shaped cruciferous vegetables contain high levels of vitamin C, which increases sexual desire.

– Lawyers – The trendy fruit-vegetable-whatever comes with a healthy serving of folic acid and vitamin B6 that give men energy. B6 also regulates prolactin which is like kerosene in the sexual fire.

– Brussels sprouts – The much-maligned vegetable is an unassuming libido stoker. They contain a compound called indole-3-carbinol that lowers estrogen and increases testosterone. The best? They have an immediate effect after being eaten.

– Raspberries – Black or red, it doesn’t matter, they both contain phytochemicals that put a man in the mood.

-Oysters – Known throughout the world as a popular aphrodisiac, it increases libido due to its high zinc content. Not everyone agrees with the smell/taste/look of raw cashews, so they can be cooked or swapped for cashews which also contain high levels of zinc.

The Penis Diet: Erection Enhancers

Looking for a stronger soldier? Add some of these foods to the daily mix to get him erect and hard.

– bananas – It is the most phallic of fruits, but that is not all. First of all, they provide bromelain, an enzyme that thins the blood and increases testosterone. They then do a double whammy with potassium, which helps the blood circulate and “summons” the soldier.

– Garlic and onion – While they can kill the mood if you don’t follow a breath mint, these two are packed with allicin. It thins the blood, relaxes the arteries and improves blood circulation to the penis.

– Beets – With a high content of nitrates, beetroot is an excellent vasodilator, which opens the blood vessels and stimulates blood flow.

– peanuts – A favorite snack at baseball games and in steakhouse waiting areas are erection stimulants. They contain the amino acid I-arginine, which helps relax and expand blood vessels, increasing blood flow. The next part is great; once l-arginine is consumed, the body converts it to nitric oxide, an important compound in Viagra. Plain Peanuts will save on those $5 per pill helpers.

The Penis Diet: Performance Prowess

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter. These are foods not to be missed for a more pleasurable sex session.

Celery – It’s the vegetable that everyone knows has sexual prowess. The strong odor that celery gives off is actually derived from two steroids called androsterone and androstanol. When eaten, the scent attracts the opposite sex and gets them in the mood. Like the previous peanuts, it also contains l-arginine and offers all its benefits.

figs – These little wrinkled ones increase pheromone secretion, attracting mates from far and wide!

Chilies – Of course they bring the heat! Capsaicin, the chemical in chili peppers, increases your heart rate and excites your nerves. They also release endorphins and dopamine which increase sex.

Chicken – This highly consumed protein source has vitamin B-3 which increases blood flow to the skin and mucous membranes, making orgasms more intense. More chicken enchiladas, please!

greek yogurt – This breakfast option is high in potassium, which regulates sodium in the body, prevents bloating, and stimulates circulation. This leads to erection longevity and increased sexual stamina.

The penis diet: apply vitamins also on the outside!

In addition to eating the right foods, men can increase the dexterity of their penis by adding some vitamins and nutrients directly to the penis. Men who want to go that extra step to keep their members ready for action at a moment’s notice choose to use a specially formulated penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven to be safe and gentle on the skin). With vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, a penis gets everything it needs to stay happy, hard, and healthy for years to come. Add extras like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine in a base of shea butter, a man is sure to have a healthy penis and sex life!

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