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Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and pancreatic disorders

An abbreviation for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is SIBO. Symptoms of this condition are bloating, gas, a feeling of increased abdominal pressure and volume, diarrhea or constipation, stomach cramps/pain, especially after meals. Many SIBO patients have a history of taking many courses of strong antibiotics, have had abdominal surgeries, and often have fatigue and depression.

Thanks to relatively new diagnostic tests that measure hydrogen in exhaled breath, more SIBOs can now be detected. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is not new. Hundreds of years ago, European doctors treated gas, flatulence, stool problems, and pain after overeating. The name of this condition was dyspepsia, which means “bad digestion” in Greek. In the United States, this condition is also known as upset stomach or indigestion. During the last decade many medical articles have been published revealing a close connection between SIBO, functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Millions of Americans suffer from FD and IBS; take many over-the-counter medications or symptomatic medications. Some of them are labeled psychosomatic and are treated accordingly.

Why does the bacteria reside in the small intestine? Under normal conditions, the first part of the small intestine, the duodenum, has no living organisms. Mother Nature prevents harmful hungry invaders from gobbling up our food and the nutrients in our food to starve us to death. Therefore, the small intestine is designed for the digestion and assimilation of food and not for the life of microorganisms.

The human body has complicated interrelated mechanisms to keep the duodenum nearly sterile. The first strong protector of the gastrointestinal tract is stomach acid. Everything we eat goes to the stomach. Our food and water can have some bacteria, yeast and parasites. The high acidity in the stomach kills off microorganisms that can hardly survive in this harsh acidic environment. If stomach acid production is suppressed, or a small amount of gastric acid is made, bacteria, yeast, viruses, and parasites can pass into the small intestine and cause many digestive problems.

The second guards are pancreatic digestive enzymes and bile. Half of the proteins and carbohydrates in our food and ninety percent of the fats are digested in the small intestine by the digestive enzymes of the pancreas and bile. The mix of pancreatic digestive enzymes and bile break down anything that doesn’t belong in our bodies, including unwanted visitors like microbes, yeasts, viruses, and parasites. It occurs only if the liver and pancreas produce the proper amount and good quality of alkaline bile and pancreatic digestive enzymes.

The liver and pancreas are alkaline glands that produce highly alkaline pancreatic juice and bile. The alkalinity of these fluids is at the core of proper digestion, on the contrary, acidity kills the pancreas in many ways. It is known that pancreatic digestive enzymes and bile can only function under alkaline conditions. The alkalinity of pancreatic juice depends on the bicarbonate and mineral content within this fluid and the proper slightly alkaline acid-base balance in the blood.

In order to survive and get our hearts to beat, lungs to breathe and brains to think, the human body has to maintain a constant slightly alkaline pH in the blood. The proper acid-alkaline balance of the body is vitally dependent on minerals and bicarbonate, which we can obtain mainly from food and water. Unfortunately, modern populations lead an acidic lifestyle. We eat acidifying foods such as meat, sugar, white flour and dairy products, we consume a lot of alcohol, medicines, drugs and we lead a sedentary life. It causes heartburn throughout the body, called chronic metabolic acidosis. The great victims of chronic metabolic acidosis in the body are the alkaline digestive glands such as the liver and pancreas. Chronic metabolic acidosis causes biochemical changes in bile and pancreatic juice; therefore, the antimicrobial actions of digestive and pancreatic enzymes are decreased so that harmful bacteria, yeast, and parasites can thrive in the duodenum. Due to the low quantity and low quality of acid bile and pancreatic digestive enzymes, food is not digested, fermented by bad bacteria and yeast, accumulates in the small intestine and causes gas, irritation of the intestine and its porosity, poisoning. internal and all the symptoms of indigestion. ; dyspepsia.

The third guard of the small intestine is the regular movement within the small intestine. In a healthy situation, 2.5 quarts of bile, 2.5 quarts of pancreatic juices, 2 quarts of intestinal juice, and drinking water pass into the small intestine every day. Eliminates bacteria, yeast and parasites from the small intestine so they cannot inhabit the intestine. Both dehydration and chronic constipation can slow down the intermittent actions of the intestine, so there is the potential for harmful bacteria to colonize the small intestine.

The fourth guard of the small intestine is the immune system. The healthy immune system destroys the hostile microorganisms within the intestine. In small intestine bacterial overgrowth, the immune system becomes depleted and causes many allergic reactions and food sensitivities. Whole body acidity, alcohol, smoking, some medications and drugs, diabetes, chemotherapy, AIDS, Candida yeast overgrowth, etc. all devastate and weaken the immune system. A low function of the immune system leads to bacteria, yeast and parasites taking over the small intestine. Therefore, a bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine occurs.

The fifth and very important protector of the small intestine is friendly intestinal flora, such as Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which lives at the end of the small intestine, near the large intestine. Friendly intestinal flora suppresses the growth of bad bacteria and yeast. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: SIBO occurs if the proper balance between friendly intestinal flora and opportunistic infection is disrupted.

All the factors that keep the duodenum sterile are closely interrelated, so healing actions should focus on all the factors that lead to SIBO.

The common medical approach to microbial overgrowth is to kill it with strong antibiotics.

It can provide temporary relief. “Search and destroy” is not this case. Killing bacteria in the gut without restoring all the natural ways that control small intestinal bacterial overgrowth makes this condition relentless.

Over time, many non-pharmacological methods have been developed for the treatment of indigestion. Today, doctors and health professionals around the world have successfully used herbal remedies, healing diets, acupuncture, warm baths, abdominal massages, nutritional supplements, and many cleansing techniques to help people with indigestion. The main objective is to restore the proper functioning of the largest digestive glands: the pancreas and the liver.

European doctors have been treating patients with dyspepsia, excess gas, regular bloating, diarrhea or constipation, and abdominal pain for hundreds of years by drinking healing mineral water. This healing modality is almost unknown in the United States.

There are numerous healing mineral spas in Europe. Europeans have healthy vacations there. The famous healing mineral spa is located in Karlovy Vary; the small town in the Czech Republic. Since the 18th century, drinking spring water or drinking water prepared with authentic Karlovy Vary spring salt has relieved symptoms of indigestion. Karlovy Vary Healing Mineral Water has strong scientific and evidence-based support for its efficacy and safety.

European doctors found that the healing mineral water of Karlovy Vary increases the production and elimination of bile, increases its quantity, improves the activity of pancreatic digestive enzymes and makes these fluids alkaline. This water hydrates the body, repairs damage to the GI tract, relieves chronic constipation, and promotes the growth of friendly intestinal flora.

All of these actions can restore the correct mechanisms to keep the small intestine clean of bad bacteria, yeast, and parasites. Drinking water prepared with genuine Karlovy Vary spring salt may be beneficial in the treatment of SIBO, which usually accompanies chronic pancreatitis, sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, indigestion after gallbladder removal, after gallbladder surgeries, the upper abdomen, including bariatric surgery (weight-loss surgery). ), and dyspepsia after multiple courses of antibiotics, steroids, and chemotherapy.

Restoring the proper balance of friendly gut flora is critical to healing SIBO.

In the case of SIBO, the recommendation to drink yogurt or take probiotics does not make practical sense. At that time, the bad bacteria, yeast and parasites took over the walls of the intestine. If the parking lot is full of “bad guys” who don’t want to get out, simply towing can help.

Some cleansing techniques, such as drinking healing mineral water that is prepared with genuine Karlovy Vary spring salt, colon hydrotherapy, healing diet, cleansing herbs, and intensive consumption of human strains, live probiotics can help to restore the natural and proper balance of health. gut flora. It’s a non-quick fix process, and it has to be done under the supervision of knowledgeable professionals.’

The information in this article is presented for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for diagnosis, treatment and advice from a qualified licensed professional.

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