Arts Entertainments

Seducing Women – How to Seduce Sexy Women in 3 Simple Steps

If you are looking for some practical steps to seduce women, you are definitely in the right place. Women are not an impossible puzzle. Seduction is a skill like anything else in life. If you want to excel with him, then you just need to work hard and be persistent. Here is how to seduce women in 3 simple steps. Seducing women has never been so easy!

Seducing Women in 3 Simple Steps

1. Pre-Open and Open

I call this the “pre-open and open” because I think there are really two steps to starting a conversation with a woman. The first step is that she should display confident and seductive body language before starting the conversation.

Women constantly make assumptions about men based on their body language. They do this to detect signs of power and dominance. (although they usually only see weakness and insecurity). Displaying commanding body language is the secret to making a great first impression with her.

Now the second step is to start the conversation. There are many opinions on the correct way to do this. I personally go with a simple opener like “Hey, I was out meeting new people and you seemed interesting to talk to. What’s your name?”

This is a very calm way to start a conversation, and almost all women will respond favorably.

2. Spark attraction

Now that you have started the conversation, you need to spark the attraction within her. You do this by doing two things. One is increasing the tension between the two of you, while the other invokes a sense of curiosity about you.

I love teasing women because it does both at the same time. she frustrates me (this frustration very easily changes to sexual tension) and it also makes him curious about me. You see, most women are used to men bending over backwards for them.

If you challenge her, she’ll be curious about you and want to know more. Curiosity is ESSENTIAL when it comes to seducing women.

3. Comfort

Having created that attraction, you now need to make her feel comfortable around you. And this includes your touch. You must make physical contact with her during the conversation. Nothing too out of control, but you have to make sure you break that barrier.

After a couple of innocent touches, she’ll feel comfortable with you and your touch. Once you have done this, you can easily get their number. Or, if you’re at a club or other similar social situation, maybe even bring her home that night.

These are the three steps you must follow to seduce women.

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