Health Fitness

running to lose weight

So you want to start running. Running is one of the most effective ways to burn calories and get fit. Running will build your core strength, increase your stamina, and give you more energy. Running regularly can change your life.

To start running, you’ll need to know some of the key aspects of running training. You’ll need to get your running gear, design a race plan, and adjust your diet.

As they say, running is the simple process of putting one foot in front of the other. It’s something that we as humans have evolved to be good at. Our bodies are designed to run. Our ability to sweat along with our balanced torso and head gives us a clear advantage over other animals during long distance races.

I was like you, when I started running I would run half a block and be completely out of breath and have a terribly disabling stitch. I was surprised at how quickly that changed with a little regular practice. I was able to measure improvement within the first week. After about 2 weeks of running regularly, I was able to run 1 km before having to stop to catch my breath. After running for a few more weeks, heavy breathing and racing heart were no longer an issue, I could jog and hold a conversation (and I thought those runners were just trying to show off!) I would run until my legs ached. tiredly

During this process I paid attention to my eating habits. It’s hard not to, when you think about the run you plan to do later that day. I cut back on my sugars and carbs and started drinking protein shakes. I lost 10 pounds.

So whether you want to lose weight, gain energy, or hit a particular run goal. You have to start your training somewhere. Here are my suggestions to get you started.

Get some information Subscribe to a running magazine. Having the material appearing regularly throughout the year will still be on your mind, making it harder to keep going and forget about exercising. These magazines have really great information on different running techniques to try, equipment reviews, and general tips and tricks from the experts on how to make running more enjoyable. I personally recommend and subscribe to “Runners World”.

In addition to a magazine subscription, you should consider purchasing a book or two on the subject. There are tons of things to know. Everything from proper breathing and posture to designing appropriate training programs and treating injuries. Visit or your local bookstore for suggestions.

Running Gear All you really need is a good pair of running shoes. Take the time to find a pair that really fits you. I suggest going to a specialty athletic store because they will know what type of shoe will work best for you. One pair of shoes will last 800-1000 miles of running. Not the piece of gear you want to cheapen on.

Other things that will make running more enjoyable include double-layer athletic leggings, running shorts or tights (yes, even I wear tights), a running jacket, gloves, and a running hat for colder weather.

The real secret of the decade for training has been the heart rate monitor. This device can accurately measure your heart rate while you run. Your heart rate is a very good indicator of the effort you are making. By watching it closely, you can stay in the “zone” that is most efficient. For example, I know that once my heart rate goes above 180 bpm, I’ll start breathing harder and have to slow down or stop quickly. By keeping my heart rate closer to 160 bpm, I know I can run further and burn more calories.

Advanced heart rate monitors can also be connected to ‘pedometers’ or ‘GPS’ to measure distance and speed. both will provide you with great motivation for your training.

The runner’s log A runner’s log book is a useful tool. It’s great motivation because you’ll want to fill in the blanks with proof that you’re doing the exercise. A running log is also great for looking back and finding out which training techniques worked best for you. That can come in handy when you want to run a new personal best.

Your log book should contain the following information: distance traveled, total time, how you felt, and the weather. It may be a good idea to write down the shoes you’ve worn so you know when it’s time to replace them.

Tip Number One My best tip for staying motivated is to sign up for a local race. Find a 5K or 10K to register and train to complete it to the best of your ability. You always have another race on the horizon that you need to stay in shape for. Find a friend and have them sign up too while you’re at it. Don’t wait until you can run the distance before committing to a race. I ran my first 10K when the most I could run non-stop was 2K. The adrenaline rush you get from running in a race will significantly increase your performance.

Running Diet If you run regularly, you will need to eat. One of the main problems that people have to improve their running performance is due to a lack of food. There is a tendency to think “oh, if I only weighed 5 pounds less, I could run a lot more.” The problem is that when you run you are breaking down some muscle fibers, and if you don’t feed your body protein and carbohydrates to rebuild muscle, you will only lose muscle mass, which will not only reduce your performance but also decrease your performance. your metabolism making it harder to lose fat in the future.

That’s not an excuse to binge after your run. Have a good healthy meal, just make sure you incorporate some protein and carbs to help keep you in shape.

Fact: You can only metabolize about 250 calories of fat per hour. So if you burn 700 calories during a one-hour workout, most of those calories are coming from muscle or from food. This is why the optimal heart rate for fat burning is quite low, just 60% of your maximum heart rate.

More Than Running Running is great and all, but there are other things you should be doing to see the most progress possible. Excessive running without giving yourself enough time to adjust to the impacts on your body is a sure way to get injured. Although you should run a bit during your training, you should trade some running sessions for some cross-training exercises. Consider anything that gets your heart rate up, like skating, biking, swimming, or wall climbing. This will exercise your cardiovascular system without stressing your joints as much as running would.

It is also important to learn how to do the proper stretches. Stretching before and after each run will improve recovery time, increase performance during the run, and prevent injury. Don’t underestimate the importance of stretching as part of your routine. In fact, I do yoga once a week to focus solely on stretching.

Strength training is key to increasing your speed and is the cornerstone of your running training. Increasing the strength of your legs and core muscles will make a BIG difference. Strong legs will result in more controlled strides, help prevent twisting ankles and knees, and improve your speed. To work these muscles, you can do some squats and lunges at home or at the gym, or you can try running hills. A strong core will greatly increase your running efficiency. It will reduce the tension in the lower back that could cause pain. To strengthen your core, do some crunches and the bridge (there are always ab exercises in the latest health magazines if you want more ideas).

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