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recurring Epstein Barr

The Epstein Barr virus that causes mononucleosis, or glandular fever, has the ability to establish a lifelong presence in the body. In most people, a healthy immune system keeps the virus in check. However, about 6% of people reactivate or get Epstein Barr again weeks, months, or years after the initial infection.

So why do some people have recurring Epstein Barr? The bottom line is how healthy your immune system is. Your immune system may be suppressed by poor eating habits, stress, smoking, or a chronic underlying disease. Your genes may also make you more susceptible to disease.

Epstein Barr recurring and nutrition

How your immune system works is closely related to what you eat. A deficiency of even a single nutrient can affect your defenses and trigger symptoms. Many studies have linked weakened immunity and subsequent illness with deficiencies in vitamins A, C, E, zinc, and selenium. The other crucial nutrients for immunity are iron, vitamin D, and B vitamins. These nutrients help your body make T cells, B cells, antibodies, and other immune proteins that keep you healthy.

Epstein Barr recurring and stress

Stress is a known trigger for infections like mononucleosis. A stressful event such as a new job, divorce, the loss of someone close, a move, important exams, money problems, or relationship problems can suppress your immunity and allow mono to flourish.

More recently, there has been a belief that recurrent mononucleosis may be due to emotional blockages in our minds and limiting ideas. According to Louise Hay, author of “You Can Heal Your Life,” mono is caused by pushing your limits and the fear of not being good enough. It can be triggered by anger at not receiving love and attention. These emotional blocks can be addressed by talking with a counselor or health professional.

Epstein Barr recurrent and other diseases

Secondary infections like mycoplasma, rickettsia, chlamydial pneumonia, or Lymes disease can suppress your immunity to the point where it’s hard to recover from mono. Other conditions such as anemia, allergy, low blood sugar, underactive thyroid, liver problems, and sarcoidosis are other conditions that can prolong the duration and severity of the disease.

Epstein Barr recurrent and genes

Your genes may also play a part in recurring Epstein Barr. Researchers at the University of NSW tested the activity of 30,000 genes in the blood of people who recovered rapidly after mononucleosis or developed a long-term illness. The activity of a group of 35 genes was found to match symptoms from disease onset to recovery. Unfortunately, you can’t swap your genes, but you can boost your immune system through lifestyle modifications.

Through general lifestyle practices like a healthy diet, stress reduction, regular exercise, and taking some immune-boosting supplements, you can strengthen your immunity and keep recurring Epstein Barr symptoms at bay. These treatments are discussed in the e-book Nature’s Amazing Mononucleosis Cures by qualified naturopath Elizabeth Noble.

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