Arts Entertainments

please god tell me

As the sun slowly sets, I face another cold and lonely night. She fixes everything and walks out the door. Soon his truck fades from view. How many bars, how many beers, how many women will it be again tonight? Night after night, this is what my life is about.

What have I ever done? She used to be very happy with me. We used to be so in love. What or who changed it and took it from me? Where did this start, when did this happen, and why did this happen to the one who gave herself to him for better or worse, through sickness and health until death do us part? So many questions, but there are no answers.

We used to be very happy, but now we hardly talk. Unfortunately, we are beginning to lead separate lives. The distance between us is growing faster and faster. We gave each other life and love forever. Hand in hand, we walked the path of life without thinking or even imagining what the future would bring us. Now he goes his way and I have no choice but to go mine. What path is there for me without him by my side? What life is there for me without him in it? All I can do is sit here and watch this happen. I feel completely powerless because there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.

I went to him many, many times. Each and every time, he would tell me that there was nothing wrong and that everything was fine. I always said that it was only my imagination that was playing tricks on me. I always believed in him, in him, and I thought he was always right. Over time, little by little, I gave up on this man of mine. My heart just couldn’t take it anymore. The weight was too unbearable. I was slowly falling apart inside. It was as if my heart was being slowly ripped and ripped out of me.

The last day has come, the last day has come I woke up one morning, turned around to look at the man lying next to me. It was as if this was the first time I was really seeing him. Now he was a stranger, I no longer knew this man, the man I once called my own. Now I knew that he belonged to someone or something else and he was no longer mine.

When the day begins and when the day ends, the sun rises and the sun sets. Once again I continue to face alone the loneliness that has now become an emptiness within me. On the outside, for all to see, I am still a kind of me, like a shell that inside there is nothing, there is no me anymore.

My life now was like 24 hours a night. This was the lowest part of my life. As they say, you have to bottom out before you can start over and slowly work your way back up. Well, I hit rock bottom, I hit the ground, and I hit the ground hard. Something inside me just wasn’t going to let me give up. I realized that no man was worth giving my life for. Slowly, I crawled up and out into the world I came into. Instead of there being only nights, the nights slowly turned into days. Very slowly, my heart healed and as it did, it grew stronger. Now the days were much brighter and the nights much more peaceful.

One day I woke up and realized that my heart was now healed and strong once again. I think that now, after going through everything I have, I am much stronger than ever and a much better person inside and out. Someday, somewhere, I know and believe that my true love is out there and we will meet when the time is right.

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