Home Kitchen

Nightmares and disasters in the kitchen

We’ve rounded up some of the most prevalent kitchen nightmare topics and compiled them into one list, for your viewing pleasure. Hopefully, they will serve as useful information to help you avoid kitchen disasters.

1. “I installed my kitchen cabinets, after putting in the marble countertops. A row of cabinets accidentally fell on top of the marble countertop and cracked badly!”

2. “Had a big New Year’s party, felt lazy and didn’t want to clean up. I left open bottles and wine glasses on the white marble counter overnight, thought it was smudge proof.”

3. “My husband was on an extended business trip and I decided to surprise him by replacing our outdated cabinets. In the process of demolition, my contractor came across a hidden cache of videos, which completely changed my perspective on my husband.”

4. “We were installing a center island in our kitchen, until a weak floor structure and studs decided the basement would be a better place.”

5. “I bought what I thought were Absolute Black granite countertops until a few weeks later, I noticed my hands contained black paint after leaning on the counter.”

6. “We paid our contractor 50% up front for our new kitchen makeover, and after showing up for the first week, we never saw him again.”

7. “We decided to have my daughter’s wedding reception at our house, and as soon as I placed the huge wedding cake (which took two days to prepare) on the kitchen table, the chandelier fell right on top of it.” center. There was cake everywhere, I was completely ruined.”

8. “I love big bay windows and have always wanted one in my kitchen. Last year we installed one that covers most of the kitchen wall and overlooks our neighbor’s beautiful yard. We spend most of the day time in the kitchen and it is very beautiful especially in the morning when many kinds of birds gather and frolic.But my dream turned into a nightmare recently when our neighbor who is sixty something single and morbidly obese decided to install a big hot tub in the backyard. Last month, he started hosting hot tub parties, which now seem to take place every weekend. Around the same time, I started having really bad nightmares, which haven’t stopped.” .

9. “We decided to paint our kitchen walls this year and hired our babysitter’s brother, who is very handy and an excellent painter. Unfortunately, he also supplements his income by walking dogs in the neighborhood, which he decided to do while on our project. Somehow, no less than four dogs escaped their clutches and decided to take a full tour of our large home. Salmon-colored dog tracks read every nook and cranny of our home for days afterward.”

10. “When it came to tidying up our flooring, I settled on hardwood and asked our contractor, an immigrant with a thick accent, to find hardwood flooring options for us.” The next day we have 400 square feet of shag rugs piled up outside our kitchen. He thought we said “wool.”

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