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Make a positive first impression with flooring in your business or office space

The appearance of a retail space affects the way a customer views your business. A consumer may not be consciously examining the floor or walls of your business, but will take into account their overall impression of the business. This first impression packs a punch, so it’s important to get it right.

Maintaining a tidy space with clean floors and a welcoming environment is very important in the eyes of employees and customers. To create a comfortable feeling or an exciting mood, choose the right floor based on your needs.

Kid-focused businesses and store fronts

If you run a kid-friendly business, you can focus on color. Brightly colored floors can be achieved with both tile and carpet. Tile is great for cleaning up spills and everyday mopping, while carpet provides a softer surface for little feet.

You can also use tile designs to create a fun atmosphere. Children love to jump from one colored tile to another, so creating a colorful floor pattern may be the right choice for easy maintenance and fun colors.

For your store front you can use a combination of tile and carpet, although if you are a food vendor you can use tile exclusively as it is easier to clean. Laminate and vinyl are two other options to consider if you are looking for a floor that is easy to clean.

office environment

While tile might be the way to go for your kid-friendly businesses, carpet is often better if you run your business in a conventional office building. Carpet often feels cozier and is quiet to walk on, so you won’t disturb your employees when people move through your space. If you want to integrate mosaics, try hallways and entryways for easy cleaning.

Although patterned rugs hide stains better, be sure to clean your office floors regularly, no matter what type of flooring you decide to use. Also keep in mind that commercial carpet and tile need to be more durable than those found in your home, as commercial spaces see more foot traffic on a regular basis.

Regardless of your business, you know that first impressions are always important. Well-maintained floors enhance any office or storefront, creating the positive response you want from your customers.

If you’re looking for more ideas or options to enhance both the visual and practical appeal of your store or office building flooring, check with your local flooring supplier.

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