Arts Entertainments

Laser fat removal: gastric band

Diet and exercise will allow you to reach your ideal body weight and image, right? Well, this may be the case for many people, however, there are millions of people who have dedicated themselves to this but have given little results. There is a new procedure that many people have been taking advantage of.

Gastric band surgery works as a restrictive measure that places a band around the stomach. This band ultimately makes your stomach smaller to restrict the amount of food you can eat. It’s a pretty flexible product in terms of what it can do. It can be adjusted to have more space in the stomach or less space. Basically, it will be up to your specialist to determine how big or small to make your stomach.

This procedure is sometimes called bariatric surgery. This is not a surgery for people who are slightly or slightly overweight. It is reserved for those who are obese. Any gastric band specialist will tell you that to qualify for this type of surgery, you must have been overweight for 5 years or more and not been able to lose weight through diet and exercise.

This surgery is a viable and effective option for the obese as it is minimally invasive and can be performed under general anesthesia. Its name comes from the word “laparscopic” which means tape and camera. Basically, a series of small incisions are made around the belly button. The surgeon will then insert a light and camera into the patient’s abdomen so that the patient can see. Then about 4 to 6 incisions are made around the stomach area and then the band is passed around the stomach. Depending on your level of needed weight loss, your surgeon will adjust the band accordingly.

These bands are not permanent and must be removed when individuals have reached their desired weight loss goal. At the time of removal, patients are strongly advised to adopt a healthy diet and exercise program to keep the weight off. At this point, weight control shouldn’t be that difficult.

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