Health Fitness

Jungle Birds – Plum-headed Parakeet

Bird name:

plum headed parakeet

Latin name:

Psittacula cyanocephala


least worry

Scientific classification:

Animal Kingdom

Edge: Chordata

Class: Birds

Order: Parrots

Family: Psittacidae

Gender: psittacula

Species: P. cyanocephalic

General information:

The plum-headed parakeet is a species of parrot found throughout South Asia. It lives in flocks and is considered a fairly social species.

Physical description:

This species is about 13 inches long, with a tail that can be nearly 9 inches long. This parakeet weighs approximately 66 to 80 g. Breeding male has generally light green plumage with a black chin strap. It has a red head that fades to bluish-purple at the back of the crown. Its rump and tail are bluish-green in color and it has red/brown spots on its shoulders. The female has a greyish head and no spots on the shoulders. Juveniles can be distinguished by their green heads and shorter tail feathers.


The Prune-headed Parakeet feeds on a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, flowers, and leaf cocoons.


The Prune-headed Parakeet is found in forests, wooded lands, plains, and farmlands. They generally prefer terrain with an elevation range between 1,640 feet and 4,920 feet. Its range extends throughout the Indian subcontinent, including areas in Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and the island of Rameswaram. The Prune-headed Parakeet nests in tree holes.


Unlike many other parakeets, the plum-headed parakeet does not mate for life. The female lays an average of 4 to 6 white eggs per clutch. Incubation lasts around 19-20 days, and the young fledge at around 6-7 weeks of age.

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