
Is holding a tea party canceled this holiday season? Eleven Ways to Have a Cheap Tea Party

Has hosting a tea party been one of your Christmas traditions over the years? Will the economic crisis of 2008 cancel your party? Here are some ways to share in the spirit of the holiday season without breaking the bank.

1. Suggest hosting a Christmas tea party together as a group by phone or email (no charge for invitations sent out)

2. Save money by hosting the party at someone’s house (since it is your idea it would be good to offer your house as a volunteer)

3. Ask each guest, if possible, to provide something for the party using things they already have at home. Challenge them to spend no money or very little money

4. Ask them if they are doing anything for the upcoming season that they could bring to the party.

  • Examples: A guest may always have ingredients on hand to make scones in their pantry
  • Another guest may have a large quantity of eggs in their refrigerator; she may be able to make egg salad tea sandwiches
  • Tea sandwiches can also be provided by another co-host (Limit tea sandwiches to two varieties three is standard but not required)
  • Someone may be baking Christmas cookies and be willing to bring some to the Christmas tea party.
  • There are innumerable goodies arriving at homes, chocolates, mixed nuts, dried fruits. Often a business will send customers various types of gift baskets during this season. Many of these shoes are unopened or only partially worn. Find these houses and look for scavengers for the party.
  • Many loose leaf tea drinkers love scones and will have Devon cream or jam on hand to invite them to share
  • If you don’t have enough loose leaf teas, ask your guests to bring tea (hosting a tea party in 2008 is about being together and offering support and encouragement throughout the season, not about making a good impression)
  • Is anyone making tea cakes, tea cakes or breads (I keep these in my freezer and could definitely provide them for a Christmas tea party.)
  • There are those who really don’t like to cook or bake, but they may have a dozen oranges in their fridge. Oranges can be sliced ​​and used as a garnish as well as eaten.
  • A friend may offer me the use of her holiday tea set. That would be great, but if that offer doesn’t come through, this tea party will still be a hit.

5. Don’t buy new Christmas decorations, use items from other years, or borrow

6. If you don’t have a Christmas-themed tablecloth, use a white tablecloth.

7. Cut pine or holly boughs from your own garden or a friend’s (use them on the table as a centerpiece, add a candle or decorations)

8. Almost everyone has holiday music, if you don’t go back to borrow a CD and player or find a radio channel with holiday music. (Music is good for the soul, it can make you and your friends feel festive and remind you of other good things from past holiday seasons.)

9. Don’t worry if you don’t have a matching set of teacups, mix and match, or even suggest guests bring their own favorite cups.

10. Instead of a goodie bag or gift exchange, suggest that each person bring something from their pantry to the local food bank.

11. Let everyone know that spending time talking about things to be thankful for will be a focus for your Christmas tea party.

Although many of us will be cutting corners this season, by thinking outside the box and enlisting the help of family and friends. host a tea party can still be done with creativity and brilliance.

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