
How to make a train piñata for a children’s train party

Paper mache piñatas are easy to make and can be the highlight of your child’s party. With a few sheets of cardboard, old newspapers, and poster paint, you (with the help of your children!) Can make a train-shaped piñata that will make your birthday boy or girl smile.

The trick to making a train piñata is to first build a shell that you will then cover with papier-mâché and paint. Divide the train shape into manageable components and build from cardboard, for example, a rectangular platform, a square cabin, and a cylindrical tube for the train’s nose.

Tape the components together and visualize what the train will look like and don’t forget to add a hatch for the poles. Once you’re happy with the basic shell, it’s time to get dirty!

Make papier-mâché glue by mixing one part flour and two parts water to make a sloppy paste. The glue should not be as thick as children’s glue, nor too wet and runny.

Cut the newspaper into strips of approximately 10 cm x 4 cm and moisten the paper with the glue. Cover the shell with the papier-mâché, sections at a time, and allow the papier-mâché to dry completely between coats. Take the weather into account when you are making your piñata. If it’s cold and raining, your piñata can take days to dry. If you’re running out of time, you can speed up the drying process by baking your piñata in the oven on very low heat.

One trick with papier-mâché is not to put too many layers on the cardboard casing at once, as it may not hold its shape. Let the papier-mâché dry between thin layers. Otherwise the cardboard will get wet and weigh out of place. If this starts to happen, fill the boxes with newspaper for added support.

Once the papier-mâché is dry, it’s time to paint! Consider your artistic abilities. If you don’t think you’re capable of a Thomas the Tank Engine replica, it’s probably best not to try. Stick to a basic color theme, like a red body with black wheels.

Don’t forget to add the fireplace and for a special effect, use steam cotton.

Your train piñata is almost complete! Tie the string to the body, making sure the piñata is evenly balanced, and add the caramels. Chain the piñata and let the kids go!

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