Lifestyle Fashion

How To Grow Hair Faster – Home Remedies And Best Tips

Having long hair is a strong desire of every woman. But it is not possible due to polluted water, strong chemical shampoos, unhealthy diet, pollution and other reasons that affect hair growth. It is not difficult to get long hair. Here are some simple home remedies to make your hair grow faster and naturally.

Follow these simple tips

  1. Trim your hair regularly removing split ends.
  2. Be sure to condition your hair with a conditioner to seal moisture into the hair follicles.
  3. Avoid applying conditioner to the scalp that makes it oily. It is only for the hair, not for the scalp.
  4. Do not rinse your hair with water that contains chlorine that causes hair loss.
  5. Choose healthy diets like fish, fruits, milk, leafy vegetables that are fully loaded with a rich source of protein and lipids essential for hair growth.
  6. Avoid tensions that increase stress that leads to hair loss.
  7. Sleep soundly for at least 6 hours.
  8. Avoid combing wet hair which leads to hair breakage.

individual precautions

  1. Regular use of aggressive hair shampoos weakens the strength of the hair strands.
  2. Use a suitable conditioner after washing your hair, which helps protect the outer layer of hair.
  3. You can apply natural oils to condition your hair instead of conditioners.
  4. Always use fresh running tap water to wash your hair.
  5. Avoid tying your hair tightly with the towel, which causes damage to your hair strands.

Natural oils for hair growth

a) Coconut oil with garlic

Coconut is a natural hair moisturizer that stimulates hair growth by nourishing the follicles with its essential amino acids to promote long, healthy hair. Garlic is enriched with anti-inflammatory properties that prevent the scalp from infections and dandruff. The combination of these two ingredients helps you get long and silky hair without any damage.

How to use:

  • Take 10-15 cloves of garlic and remove the outer shell.
  • Take a clean boiling pan and add some coconut oil to it.
  • Place the garlic cloves in the oil and boil them together for 4 to 5 minutes over medium heat.
  • Collect the warm oil with a strainer in a clean container.
  • Let it warm up and apply it to your hair.
  • Gently massage your hair, including the scalp, with your fingertips slowly.
  • Leave it overnight and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Try this remedy twice a week for long thick hair.

b) Olive oil along with curry leaves

Olive oil, which is known as liquid gold, is extracted from olives that have a high viscosity to penetrate the hair follicles and nourish them. It is rich in vitamin A and E which reduces dandruff and prevents split ends for healthy hair growth.

Curry leaves are enriched with vitamin B, beta keratin and essential nutrients with antioxidants. It is an amazing sheet that saves hair follicles from damage and prevents graying of hair.

How to use:

  • Take 15-20 curry leaves and clean them without any impurities.
  • Put some olive oil in a clean container to boil.
  • Add curry leaves to the oil and boil them together for 5 minutes.
  • Let it warm up.
  • Strain the oil through a filter and apply the oil to your hair gently.
  • Massage for 5 minutes covering the hair completely.
  • Rinse with clean water after 40 minutes.
  • Use this remedy thrice in a week for quick results.

Home remedies

Home remedies stimulate your hair growth naturally without causing any damage to your hair due to the absence of harsh chemicals in them. The proper use of home remedies gives you faster and better results. Using homemade ingredients is quite simple to get beautiful long silky hair naturally. Let us see some home remedies for fast hair growth.

Warm oil massage

Warm oil treatment is one of the most famous and vital remedies for natural hair growth. Applying warm oil to the scalp stimulates blood flow and the vitamin E in the oil nourishes the hair follicles and its antioxidant and antibacterial properties eliminate dandruff from your hair. It also repairs dead cells on the scalp which helps improve the strength of the hair roots.

How to use:

  • Boil 4 tablespoons of castor oil or coconut oil for 3-4 minutes.
  • Apply the warm oil to your scalp covering all of your hair and massage gently for a few minutes with your fingertips.
  • Leave it on overnight and rinse it off with a mild shampoo the next morning.
  • You can use this remedy twice in a week.

aloe vera

Aloe vera is widely used in hair care products due to the presence of vital vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. They prevent hair loss and remove dandruff from the scalp which helps to gain long and silky hair. Regular use of aloe gel provides naturally smooth and shiny long hair.

How to use:

  • Apply Aloe Vera gel to your hair and massage for at least 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with fresh water after 30 minutes with a shampoo followed by conditioner.
  • Use this remedy three times a week.


Amla is an excellent fruit to promote healthy hair. It is very rich in vitamin C and abundant in protein, minerals, antibacterial properties. These essential nutrients improve the strength of the hair roots. Regular use of Amla prevents graying of hair.

How to use:

  • Add two tablespoons of coconut oil to fine Amla powder.
  • Apply that thin paste on your hair and leave it overnight.
  • Give a gentle massage for 4-5 minutes.
  • Cover hair with a shower cap.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water the next morning.
  • Regular use of this remedy gives you long and silky hair.

Lemon and coconut oil

The mixture of these two ingredients makes your hair grow faster. Citric acid, vitamin C, and antioxidants are abundant in lemon, which helps remove dandruff from the scalp and opens up clogged pores on the scalp. The vitamins and proteins in coconut oil quickly penetrate the hair follicles and seal the hair shaft.

How to use:

  • Apply one tablespoon of lemon juice to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix well.
  • Apply it to your hair and massage with your fingertips for 2 minutes.
  • Rinse with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes.
  • Use conditioner to seal moisture into the hair strands.
  • Use this remedy three times in a week.

How to apply shampoo and conditioner

  1. Do not apply the shampoo directly on your hair, which causes hair loss due to its aggressive chemical composition.
  2. Dilute the shampoo with little water and apply to your hair.
  3. Use hot water to rinse your hair instead of hot water.
  4. Avoid applying hair conditioner to the scalp, which results in oily scalp.
  5. Avoid using blow dryers that make your hair frizzy by removing moisture content.
  6. Let the conditioner sit in your hair for 4-5 minutes.
  7. Do not tie the hair tightly with the towel and avoid combing with wet hair, which leads to breakage.

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