
Pisces: the man who disappears

The Pisces man: Pisces is the natural ruler of the 12th house and is ruled by the planet Neptune. Pisces energy is dreamy, mysterious, private, and secret. Pisceans often have escapist tendencies and require alone time to reload their buttons. Like Aquas, they live in their own world. However, unlike Aquas, Pisces lives in a […]


Spotify Vs Apple Music

Spotify has been an amazing app for me for years. Before downloading Spotify, you used to have to download each song file that you wanted to listen to individually. That was several years ago when iTunes was still relevant to me. Now I love the feeling of having all my high-quality songs in one area […]


Boomers blamed for missing emoji

So have you heard it? Supposedly, the laughing cry emoji has become unappealing and using it is a sure sign that you are old. Stop the presses! Generation Z, those born after 1997, have apparently stated that this is so on social media, especially on TikTok. This despite the fact that the emoji has been […]


Increased popularity of anime

The word Anime comes from animation, as it is abbreviated in Japanese. The English dictionary explains it as a style introduced in Japan. However, anime as a whole represents all kinds of animation. Therefore, Japanese anime is used to distinguish it from animation in the rest of the world. Until recently, anime was called “Manga” […]


Google Doodles and the investors behind them

Google has long been known to beloved users and this writer as practically the only search engine with a personality, by tech and internet speculators as a business and industry innovator, and by early stock investors as a absolute blessing for your retirement accounts. Polling all 3 could give us a glimpse of the big […]


Amazon Prime Twitch Digital Games

What do you get with your Amazon Prime membership? You get Twitch which is a popular online service for video games, digital video broadcasts, artwork creation livestreams, music, talk shows, and occasional TV shows. Twitch is a subsidiary of Amazon; is owned by Twitch Interactive, I love all the free entertainment that comes from my […]


Why i love video chat

I have read so many articles from people saying why they hate video calling. It seems that most of these authors think that video calling is awkward and never know what to do during the call. People seem to be too image conscious, they think they have to stay focused on the person they are […]


Is Jailbreaking an iPhone Right for You?

Why Jailbreak an Apple iPhone? Apple’s iPhone really revolutionized the mobile phone industry and raised the bar of consumer expectations when it comes to mobile phones. At last, mobile phone users could carry the Star Trek-like communication device in their pockets that they had been promised for years. As polished as a device like Apple’s […]