Real Estate

Where to find high-quality leads

Joint ventures are truly one of the best ways to expand your reach. You can find joint venture partners and ask if they will promote your lead magnet or allow you to present your signature talk / webinar to your audience. Just make sure they have a list that includes your target market. Look for […]

Real Estate

Why You Should Buy a Florida Vacation Home

Florida is one of the most popular vacation spots in the country, welcoming millions of tourists each year. While there are several reasonable lodging options available throughout the state, there are some good reasons to purchase your own Florida vacation home. Excellent weather Florida is the sunshine state and not for nothing. It boasts of […]

Real Estate

Do I need an LLC for my rental property?

LLCs and real estate seem to go hand in hand these days. Anyone you talk to who dabbles in real estate investing understands the need for liability protection, but may not understand the proper way to protect yourself. Your broker may have told you that an umbrella policy will work, but I have a different […]

Real Estate

The benefits of hiring an apartment management company

Thinking of hiring an apartment management company? There are several different methods of operating a multi-family apartment business – approaches that range from working “hands-on” to hiring a third party to fully manage all apartment complex operations and literally everything else. With that said, smart homeowners and investors have found that hiring an apartment management […]

Real Estate

No kidding: there’s a Bibleville RV park on Texas’s Grande Vally River (RGV)

What is it? Bibleville is a 40-acre nondenominational Bible conference center in Alamo, Texas, where “Winter Texans” (also called “Winter Volunteers”) share their faith and participate in various activities during the winter months. Although it has hookups for mobile homes and RVs, it is not primarily a mobile home park. Her emphasis is ministering to […]

Real Estate

How to buy a house with cash

Owning a home is something almost everyone wants to do at some point in their life. Nothing can be compared to knowing that the house you live in is yours and that you can do whatever you want with it. Without paying rent, without responding to the owner, none of that … While owning a […]

Real Estate

Will the US economy face recession again in 2011?

Where is the American economy headed? Undoubtedly, recovery expectations have increased in recent months, mainly thanks to stimulus packages and the proactive stance of the government. But this does not appear to be a long-term solution to the situation, as the debt is mounting and will soon accumulate like a mountain of worries. Everyone is […]

Real Estate

How can passive income be generated?

Creating products for passive income growth is a great way to get over the idea of ​​working hours of trading for dollars. One of the oldest passive income ideas is real estate rental income, but today you can earn passive income online right from your home. Here are some ideas that work well. Create apps […]